Fani Willis’ Spokeshole Is a DNC Member, Wife of 2022 Dem Lt. Gov Nominee, and More – IOTW Report

Fani Willis’ Spokeshole Is a DNC Member, Wife of 2022 Dem Lt. Gov Nominee, and More

There’s now even more unethical behavior to report out of Willis’ office.

6 Comments on Fani Willis’ Spokeshole Is a DNC Member, Wife of 2022 Dem Lt. Gov Nominee, and More

  1. When your running a corrupt government you can’t have just anyone on you list of helpers. Everyone has to be on the same page so the lies robberies and misdirection all matches up.

  2. What do you expect from IQ deficient, recently come down from the trees thugs. Honesty? Integrity? Honor? Love of Country? God Fearing? Nope. This kind of evil behavior is what you get. Behold the results of the Communist Death Democrats Ghetto Plantation System.

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