Far-Left Radio Host Says He Saw Biden ‘Talking to a Ghost’ – IOTW Report

Far-Left Radio Host Says He Saw Biden ‘Talking to a Ghost’

Geller Report:

Robert Spencer-
The signals are everywhere that the Leftist political and media elites have decided that it’s getting to be time for Old Joe Biden to stop pretending to be president and exit the stage. The very fact that classified documents dating from his vice presidency were suddenly discovered at his Delaware home is the biggest indication that the people are running things are looking for a new front man. Then the Left’s foremost propaganda organ, the New York Times, unceremoniously threw Old Joe under the bus, saying he wouldn’t be able to recover from the classified documents scandal. And now Charlamagne tha god, a popular far-Left radio host, has admitted openly that Biden is suffering from dementia and should throw in the towel. Are Old Joe’s days as fake president numbered?

The New York Post reported Friday that “the state of President Biden’s mental health stirred up debate on Friday morning’s ‘The Breakfast Club’ radio show — with one co-host suggesting the commander-in-chief get tested for dementia.” Mind you, this wasn’t the Mark Levin or Dennis Prager shows, this was the hard Left platform on which Old Joe famously gave one of the early hints of his dementia, declaring during the 2020 campaign that “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re voting for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.” more here

17 Comments on Far-Left Radio Host Says He Saw Biden ‘Talking to a Ghost’

  1. Well, hell, if Charlamagne the god (lower case “g”, thank you very much) says something then it must be true.

    If by “exit the stage” they mean for him to go back to the basement, then sure, I can see that. The 4 or 5 demons that are running [riuning] the country now can get back to the business at hand.

  2. Dementia Joe often has conversations with unseen demonic entities, they are not benevolent Heavenly hosts/angels.

    God speaks to the hearts of those who knnow Him. He doesn’t need His angels for that purpose. If Dementia Joe spoke to a Heavenly angel he wouldn’t be aware of it, because they appear as regular people when on the Earth. Rarely, do they pop up announcing their presence – certainly not invisible having talks with a demoniac like Joe.

    Given the high office Demwit Joe illegally holds, it shouldn’t be a surprise demoniac Joe converses with Satan himself on a regular basis.
    It’s the only time Demwit Joe isn’t exhibiting symptoms of dementia. Satan is not imaginary. He’s very real and Dementia Joe’s his willful, eager tool.

  3. It is easier and more convenient for the Left to convict Joe of wrongdoing than to admit that all along Slo-Joe has been nothing more than a demented prop dummy for the cabal that has been running this show for a long time.

    Blame Joe…so we don’t have to expose who the handlers really are.

    Get a better, more believable prop next time.

  4. Brad, it’s charlamagne tha god
    he’s the one biteme said wasn’t black if he didn’t vote for him

    come’on man, we all knew biteme was a placeholder
    we just didn’t know for how long he’d be a placeholder

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