Far-left San Francisco DA files homicide charges against officer who shot man who was attacking cops – IOTW Report

Far-left San Francisco DA files homicide charges against officer who shot man who was attacking cops

LET: SAN FRANCISCO, CA – Controversial San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin announced murder charges against an officer who shot a man on a noise complaint in 2017.



Boudin alleges that the officer should have de-escalated the situation instead of resorting to deadly force.

Boudin announced manslaughter charges against San Francisco Police Officer Kenneth Cha during the first week in November from the incident which occurred on January 6th of 2017.

The reason the charges were significantly delayed was due to the suspect in the case, Sean Moore, did not die from injuries he allegedly received from the shooting until last year.  more

22 Comments on Far-left San Francisco DA files homicide charges against officer who shot man who was attacking cops

  1. “The reason the charges were significantly delayed…” was that Boudin wasn’t the DA back then. The DA back then was slightly more rational. Slightly – it was Gascon.

  2. LCD

    They guy just now died from the gun shot wounds. Gascon would do the same thing. They’re both whack job Soros butt buddies bent on bringing down the machine.
    On a side note I use to sell guns to a Gun Shop owned by a couple SF cops. Super commuters. Strangest MoFo’s I’ve ever met. I could easily see them helping Antifa out at a riot.

  3. Any person who would work for a democrat Mafia potection money extortion agency is either a fool or corrupt. Cha had to know when he applied for a job with the San Fransicko Mafia he would be forbidden from protecting the citizens forced to pay taxes for police protection and would be forced to endanger his life to do nothing.

  4. NOPE. It’s jailhouse medical malpractice.
    The man recovered from the gun shot.

    Adhesions are not deadly unless left undiagnosed and therefore untreated.

    Adhesions are a possible complication with any abdominal surgery.

    The jailhouse doc had 5 years to diagnose and render treatment for this unfortunate man. Maybe the family will go after the jailhouse doc next.

  5. test the corpse for covid- thats what might have been what done killed him.
    I’ve ssen reports of people that dies in motorcycle accidents, that it turned out died of the covid. It happens. Hard to believe, but that is what they say.
    crank up the pcr machine to 40+ and lets find out
    I’d rather trust the science on this one

  6. It really is at the point where a few select communist motherfuckers need to be disappeared. SF Bay is a big place with lots of hungry creatures swimming around in it.

  7. The most fucked up thing here is that Boudin clearly went into office with an agenda to charge a cop with homicide as pure political theater, and just jumped on the first chance he got to exploit a legitimate police shooting to do so. Like all communists, this asshole wrecks real lives in order to push the usual fantasy narratives of the left. Meanwhile, he’s never charge a black perp with a hate crime, even when they sucker punch and old Asian to death for laughs.

  8. Liberals have taken over much, if not most, of law enforcement the last 20 years.
    Liberal D.A.’s seem to have gone from a small minority 22 years ago; top a big majority today.
    Some prominent liberal Da’s in the news the last 2 years:
    Kenosha, LA, and Seatle.

    Many police departments are comprised of liberal officers as well. Such as: D.C., Portland.
    21st century has been a disaster, for law abiding Americans.
    The leftist trend was slowed – NOT STOPPED – by Don. But it seems to be back to 2002 again.


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