‘Far-Right’ Swedish Party Poised To Make Historic Dent In Country’s Socialist Government – IOTW Report

‘Far-Right’ Swedish Party Poised To Make Historic Dent In Country’s Socialist Government

Daily Caller: The Sweden Democrats, a far-right party with an anti-socialist platform that seeks to limit immigration to the Scandinavian country, could win up to 25 percent of the vote in Sweden’s upcoming September elections, NBC reports.

Should that happen, such a result would “likely earn the Sweden Democrats more seats in Parliament than any other single party,” NBC’s Alexander Smith said.

Although the party reportedly had white supremacist and neo-Nazi ties in its early years, its leader since 2005, 39-year-old Jimmie Akesson, “claims to have kicked the extremists out of the party, pulled up its roots in white-supremacist and neo-Nazi activism, and turned it into a slick electoral machine that has doubled its vote every four years,” The Guardian reported in 2014 after the party took 13 percent of the vote in that year’s election.

This year, the Sweden Democrats could double that and become a sizable force for the destruction of socialism in Sweden’s fractured, many-party system.

Further, Akesson, who called the European Union “a large web of corruption,” has pledged to conduct a “Swexit” referendum directly after the September elections, should his party win a majority.

Leftists around the world are more than a little concerned.

12 Comments on ‘Far-Right’ Swedish Party Poised To Make Historic Dent In Country’s Socialist Government

  1. “Before the camps I regarded nationality as something that shouldn’t be noticed–nationality did not really exist, only humanity. But in the camps one learns: If you belong to a successful nation you are protected and you survive. If you belong to a universal humanity–too bad for you.” ~A. Solzhenitsyn (h/t American Digest)

    The Big Lie is that EU member countries have been experiencing “immigration” from the ME. That’s not what has happened at all. They’ve been conquered. And why should it surprise any of them that their ruling organization facilitated it?

    Is it possible for me to miss Sweden (and Germany, France, Belgium, Norway, Denmark, Holland, and the rest) more than they do? What they’ve done — what the “EU” has done — is make me ashamed of my ancestry. Today, if asked, I would hesitate to admit my people sprang from any of those countries.

  2. I’m predominantly Scottish Irish. What I know of them today gives me zip to point to with pride.

    The Russians were destroyed in 1917 but that nation is so vast it seems people haven’t quite forgotten their old regional allegiances, so as a people they may yet become a real power, not the residue of the Soviet system they currently are.

    As for Germany, the English and the Vikings, they’ve neutered themselves willingly. Short of patriotic revolutions, they’ll never be anything close to what they were. They don’t want to be.

    But if I were Hungarian, I admit I’d be tempted to be pretty proud right now.


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