Farage ‘De-Banked’ Without Explanation – IOTW Report

Farage ‘De-Banked’ Without Explanation

European Conservative

Political censorship on the Right is by no means a new phenomenon in the West. From social media account bans to outright police investigations for “hate speech”, many on the Right have encountered some form of corporate or institutional pushback for their beliefs. 

Bank accounts, which were once rarely interfered with for political reasons, have become a target in recent years—and now UK politician and Brexit leader Nigel Farage has claimed that the banks have begun targeting him. 

In a video posted to social media, Mr. Farage, who hosts a programme on broadcaster GB News, stated that he had been with the same banking groups since 1980 but stated the bank told him over the phone that his accounts were being closed. 

“I asked why? No reason was given. I was told a letter would come that would explain everything. The letter came through and simply said ‘We are closing your accounts’.” and added the bank gave a date, “which is around about now.”

After being told it was a “commercial decision” Farage states that he tried to find another bank but was rejected by at least seven different banks for business and personal accounts.  more

8 Comments on Farage ‘De-Banked’ Without Explanation

  1. This is outrageous. He may have to use Swiss Banks. Hoping he can put his cash assets there.

    This is gov’t and big business fucking with private citizens without good cause. I call that Fascism. The EU, globalists, and enviro-whacks have formed a fascist bloc. I hate them.

  2. Time to storm the banks.
    Literally. Physically.
    When you have nothing left to lose……


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