‘Farewell Buffy, my friend’ – IOTW Report

‘Farewell Buffy, my friend’

Patriot Retort:
Just a short time ago my cat Buffy passed away.  And I am so sad right now.

Buffy was in the final stages of kidney failure.  I knew she wouldn’t make it through the week.  And over the last twelve hours she went downhill very fast.

This morning I found her lying on the basement floor unable to move.  But when she saw me, she struggled to lift her head off the floor and gave me one weak meow. more here

45 Comments on ‘Farewell Buffy, my friend’

  1. My condolences Dianny. I had to go through that last year with one of mine, and it is heartbreaking. The best we can do is know that they are no longer in pain.
    We love our pets, knowing that we will outlive them and mourn the time when they go, but it is worth it because of all of the good times we spend with them.
    My thoughts and prayers go out to you and yours!

  2. Thanks guys. It was a terrible day. And to top it off I had to go in for a biopsy this afternoon. I was trying so hard not to sob while lying on the exam table, I was overcompensating by cracking jokes like I was friggin’ Carrot Top. Then I got home and it all hit me again.

  3. Dianny, losing your pets is very difficult. They provide you unconditional love when they’re here and they are dearly missed when they are suddenly gone but you’ll always have your memories. Before long you’ll be noticing things that will remind you of her and you’ll find yourself smiling without realizing you’re doing it. I fondly miss all my pets for as long back as I can remember but when I think of them its with vivid happy memories and thats a wonderful thing. They still enhance my life.

  4. Dianny, my heart is breaking. It’s especially hard to lose such a loving kitty. Ivan was like that, and I still shed tears for him when I hear of someone’s loss. It was over five years ago, but I miss cuddling with him.

    Grieve and mourn her loss, Dianny. A time will come when you can smile thinking about her. Pay special attention to Willow so you can comfort each other. God bless you.

  5. Haven’t got there yet with my male yellow tabby Finn, we think he’s about 8 or so since we got him as a rescue cat 7 years ago. He’ll be around for a while, long enough to have to break in a new puppy after my 10 yr. old female golden retriever is gone. It was hard enough putting down my mom and dad’s B@W tuxedo cat Fred last year but he was also about 17.

  6. I’ve put my own dogs down over the years, I don’t think I can do it anymore. They just don’t live long enough.
    Take heart, I know for sure I will see them again in heaven and we will all be young, well and they will be able to talk. Think how cool that will be.

  7. Well nuts. There are few things more painful.
    I had to put down Beans in April. Best cat that i ever served. You don’t own them, of course.

    Sorry about the hole in your heart. Mine was nearly healed until I read this thread.


  8. I hate hearing about people losing their beloved pets, and the stories about how they acquired their pet. A feral came our way and after a month of coaxing, feeding, and being kind to the cat, she’s the best thing that has happened to us in a long time after losing our dog. So, I am sorry for your loss, it’s a difficult thing to handle. Just damn.

  9. So so sorry to hear! This tugged immediately at heart. She looks so sweet. My sweet Sylvie is deteriorating at 15 and I know to appreciate all the time I have left with her.

    My condolences. Knowing I was on the last run with a loved one never made it easier for me.

  10. Condolences for your loss. I know about the experience. I had a Siamese cat that passed away at about 23 y.o. He had pretty much been an indoor cat his last six years, seemed to be heart broken after no longer having the strength to drive off stray cats from the yard years earlier, and just stayed inside.

    Came home from an evening out, and found him collapsed in the hallway. Laid him on a pillow on my lap to comfort him as best I could, after a couple of hours he raised his head, gave a weak meow as if saying he didn’t want to go. Laid his head down and appeared to no longer be breathing. After a few more minutes he suddenly stretched out his legs for several seconds then went limp. I knew his spirit was gone, but he was no longer suffering. Sad night.

    He’d done many amazing memorable feats over the years, I think we’d learned to delight in each other’s good points, and tolerate our disagreeable ones with a truce. He was valued more than the two chairs he’d ruined during his life with us. And I didn’t hold a grudge about the still living snake he brought into the house through an open window one summer night. If only our cats or dogs outlived us.

  11. True story.
    Beans’ last evening, appointment made for the morning euthanasia, I casually slid up to him with a tape measure to make his little coffin. I went to the shop and used table saw to fashion it, tears streaming down my face. Built the box and took Beans in to meet the grim reaper.

    Brought him home and placed him in the box. But he wasn’t quite as pliable and didn’t fit in the box. So we both laughed (pretty sure he laughed too) and i enlarged the box with him in it.

    Then i buried him.

    Then I made a garden of daylilies, black eyed susans and verbena around him.
    It will always be Beans ‘ garden.
    I think of him every time I see it.

  12. So very sorry, Dianny. 😢. Such a pretty kitty and she clearly loved you. I’m a “cat lady” too and have always had them in my life ( 3 now) even when I had my doggies too. I understand and share your sadness at the loss of a loved pet.

  13. Dianny,

    VERY sorry about your ‘familiar’, because that is what these little guys are to us, a familiar extension of our personalities and a feeling that extends back to our inherit selves, since time itself. Some say a ‘pet’, but as we know it’s WAY more than that, a full extension of our personal family.

    @ PHenry – we had a rescue calico cat, Skippy, we named after a cab driver we met on Block Island. She became sick after about 13 years, quite quickly, and one day woke up to her not well at all. She died later that day and my mother in law, helped me to bury her, in the back yard, in a box that I had found. We do not mark it as I do NOT want it disturbed.

    We just did not want to take her to the vet, dead. Not sure if this makes sense to everyone?


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