Farewell, Narcissus – IOTW Report

Farewell, Narcissus

PatriotRetort: Much like the fabled Narcissus, Barack Obama fell in love with his own reflection.

If you’re wondering why this self-satisfied egomaniac chose to deliver his “farewell address” before an audience of thousands in Chicago rather than from the White House, this is why.

Barack Obama sees his reflection in the fawning, devoted followers he’s gathered over the years.

And they don’t reflect reality. Not by any measure.

Instead, they reflect back on our modern-day Narcissus the image he’s created for himself.

The Savior.

The Healer.

The Messianic Messenger of Yes We Can.  MORE

23 Comments on Farewell, Narcissus

  1. Fuck you Barry, I hope you bank shot a golf ball into your temple and go into a come and, being the President, they keep you alive by hooking you up to a nuclear ventilator that keeps you alive and suffering forgotten in some basement, for ever.

  2. Reality is, the Pussy in Chief gave up the Presidency the minute DJT was certified as the winner. BoRock is non confrontational for a reason. He’s a weak sister. That being said he craves the applause, the weeping fans.
    Here’s a prediction. Think back when BoRock did his best to embarrass Trump at that press dinner. DJT keeps a score card. Gonna be an interesting inauguration.

  3. “Much like the fabled Narcissus”

    you know it’s true, narcissus died from not eating.
    that’s why obama is so skinny, not from having aides but from not having the time to eat because he is too busy admiring himself.

  4. I, I, I, me, me, me, I, I, I, me, me, me, see me! touch me! feel me!
    No, not really! I’ll see myself! touch myself! feel myself!

    I only need a crowd of quivering, crying, weeping, sobbing, slobbering, adoring sycophants – at a distance. Crowds of people with no moral fiber – no will of their own – no self-respect – no self-awareness!

    I am that I am!
    All kneel before Hanuman!
    Even M’hamhead foretold of my coming!

  5. They should create a Wii game where the player gets undeserved but perpetual adoration.

    Barry would be trapped in front of it forever more.

    Think of the grief it would spare Humanity!

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