Farewell Willow – IOTW Report

Farewell Willow

Patriot Retort: After fourteen years together, last night I lost my beautiful cat Willow.

You can imagine I’m wreck this morning.

This is the first time in 35 years I have woken up in a home without a pet. After my pup Mary died in June, it was just me and Willow. And we became each other’s constant companion. more here

35 Comments on Farewell Willow

  1. I’m so sorry. I lost a sweet kitty after only two years and I still miss her. It’s hard to say goodbye to our precious friends. I hope your memories of her help you feel better.

  2. Ah that sucks…sorry to hear that @Dianny.

    I know EXACTLY how you feel, we had a cat that could fetch AND catch…you had a rare one.

    We have a great big photo of him in the sun room…he’s with us looking back at us now, as your Willow will always be…

  3. I’m very sorry to hear this. I have an 18-year old and I try to savor the moments even when he’s knockin stuff around. After a time I would consider another kitty or two for you. God Bless.

  4. Big hugs @Dianny Losing a fur baby is so hard. After Haggis was gone I lasted 4 months without a kitty in the house. So empty. When you feel ready bless a rescue or two with a loving home. You won’t regret it. ❤️

  5. Dianny, when my beloved pup passed away last March, it was actually my sister’s cats who gave me much comfort. They seemed to understand my sense of loss and would come up to me much more often than before. Even to the point of stretching out a paw to say “PET ME, it will make you feel LOTS better.” and it did. When you are ready, get yourself another companion – cat or dog – either are tops. But while you are grieving, please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers – and I GET it. <3

  6. Having lived without a pet for two years after having to give one away and losing another to old age… I recommend that you consider getting another one sooner then later….

    Willow had such a sweet look about her, I don’t doubt that she wouldn’t want you to be alone. And if it’s any comfort, I strongly believe that pets such a cats and dogs DO have souls so they ARE waiting for us in Heaven.

  7. I’m so sorry; tearing up just saying that much. But you know as well as I do that there’s only one way to address this.

    So go do it. You won;t be betraying anyone by doing it, and you’ll only betray yourself if you don’t.

    Also, what with IOTWers as we are, you, maybe, should expect a dozen offers and a few unsolicited arrivals.

  8. Really, really tough losing a pet that has been a companion for so long. Hardest thing I ever had to do was have my dog, and best friend for 21 years, put down. That’s been almost 40 years ago, and it still hurts…still brings tears to my eyes.

    I’m so sorry Dianny. I hope you can find some peace, soon, from the love of another pet in your life.

  9. Oh, Dianny. I’m so sorry for you losing such a sweet lady. This is the hardest part of opening up your heart to a fur baby. Grieve now and soon you will remember the good times you had together. Don’t rush it, give yourself time. You will know when it’s time for another addition to your family.

  10. Remember me always, but do not grieve for me too long.
    I have tried always to comfort you in time of sorrow,
    and have made every effort to add joy to your life. I
    never wanted to cause you pain.

    Peace for me is certain now, and I suspect I will have
    eternal sleep in the earth I loved so well.

    Please, after your period of grieving for me, make
    room in your heart for another. You are the kind of
    human being that should always have a friend like me
    to love. Your kind and gentle heart should not be
    wasted on my memory for too long. Give your love to
    another. I know your new friend will never take my
    place, because we had something very special.

    You loved me very much and I loved you. My spirit will
    always be with you, and no matter how deep my sleep,
    my grateful heart will always be purring for you.

  11. They find a spot in our hearts unlike anything else.
    She is a beautiful tortie. We all know that empty feeling of losing our bestie fur pals.

    I still chat with my departed fur pals from time to time.

  12. This is the hardest part of having pets. Sorry to hear this Dianny, I know exactly what you’re going through. I and my very sick cat went to the vet today, only I came home. My deepest sympathy to you.


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