Farmers score victory over Biden admin as judge pauses controversial eco rules – IOTW Report

Farmers score victory over Biden admin as judge pauses controversial eco rules


A federal judge granted a request Wednesday from a coalition of 24 states and several industry groups to block environmental regulations redefining how water sources are protected.

Judge Daniel Hovland of the U.S. District Court for the District of North Dakota ruled that the so-called Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule announced by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in late December poses “great” risks to states. The judge also ruled that the federal government should wait until the Supreme Court soon rules on a related case pending before it.

“A balancing of the harms and an analysis of the public interest supports a finding that the risk of harms to the States is great,” Hovland wrote. “There is little public interest or any efficiency gained by implementing a new rule which codifies the ‘significant nexus’ test before the United States Supreme Court issues a decision in Sackett.” 

“Common sense dictates that it only makes sense to wait,” he continued in his decision. “There is no urgency to implement the 2023 Rule. The Supreme Court’s decision in Sackett will be issued by June 2023 and will likely address many of the unresolved legal issues and jurisdictional determinations at the heart of this lawsuit.” MORE

4 Comments on Farmers score victory over Biden admin as judge pauses controversial eco rules

  1. “pauses”

    …to allow enactment later when no one’s looking.

    Government is not going to stop Government.

    The judges and bureaucrats are all on the same side.

    And have the same boss.

    A head fake and nothing more.

    Look for full enactment with punitive extra regulations during the next Democrat manufactured “national crisis”.

    Probably soon.

  2. @SNS
    Maybe you’re right but I think lack of explicit congressional approval and federal overreach infringing on state rights may carry the day at the Supreme Court. Hoping so anyway


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