“Fast Terry”: Documentary Exposing Terry McAuliffe’s Failed Electric Car Company, Ties To China, Resurfaces – IOTW Report

“Fast Terry”: Documentary Exposing Terry McAuliffe’s Failed Electric Car Company, Ties To China, Resurfaces

National File: A nearly decade-old short movie by the name of Fast Terry has resurfaced online ahead of Election Day in Virginia, re-exposing the long history of seedy business moves and deep Communist Chinese ties of Democrat nominee for Governor and longtime Clinton operative Terry McAuliffe. Producers bill the film as “the movie Terry McAuliffe doesn’t want you to see” before Election Day.

The 30-minute Fast Terry movie, directed by Jason Meath, funded by Citizens United, and released in 2013, profiles some of the communities unfortunate enough to have been ripped off by Terry McAuliffe and his largely Communist Chinese business associates. more


3 Comments on “Fast Terry”: Documentary Exposing Terry McAuliffe’s Failed Electric Car Company, Ties To China, Resurfaces

  1. McAuliffe’s has always seemed like the poster boy for baby kissing, Vote for me and I’ll set you free, lying piece of shit politicians to me. I’ve always had a strong dislike for this guy.

  2. He’s a slimy, slithering snake. No half-way responsible parent would let their baby anywhere near him. They don’t call him Terry McNasty for nothing (or maybe I’m the only one – regardless, it’s appropriate).

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