Fat-Positive Adult Coloring Book Teaches Obesity is Good – IOTW Report

Fat-Positive Adult Coloring Book Teaches Obesity is Good

MRCTV: If you didn’t think adult coloring books were bad enough, there is now a coloring book specifically designed to teach people there is nothing wrong with being morbidly obese.

According to its description on Amazon, “Body Love: A Fat-Activism Coloring Book” attempts to combine the need for constant reassurance with the adult coloring book craze.

The description of the book describes “fat activism,” commonly referred to as the “body-positivity movement,” as promoting the idea that “respect for other people should not be given out based on perceived notions of health, outdated standards of beauty, or any other aesthetic considerations of someone’s body.”

Unless, of course, if you aren’t proud to be overweight or if you happen to lose a few pounds.

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26 Comments on Fat-Positive Adult Coloring Book Teaches Obesity is Good

  1. So does this mean obesity is no longer a disability? Do fat people lose their handicapped parking placards and now have to park in the back 40 with the rest of us? Can we stop giving them those stupid scooters at Wally World? Can I now sue them for invading my space on commercial flights?

  2. Years ago I saw Ben Stein say morbid obesity was a mental illness and should be treated as such. And it makes perfect sense- validated by the use of adult coloring books and a liberal media that flames it by giving a soapbox to anyone willing to promote fat acceptance. It really isn’t that different than the Trans crap. You aren’t morbidly obese through no effort of your own – you are choosing the behaviors to become that way. And this is just another attempt to try to normalize a mental health issue.

  3. The structure of American society is being dismantled.
    Obesity is another brick chiseled from the wall of normal, healthy, truthful, morally acceptable behavior.

    The old structure of our Nation is taking a beating, brick by brick.
    Luckily, acknowledged or not, our National Foundation (God) is indestructible and unbeatable.
    Do your worst disciples of satan, your time will come. I fear the judgement you will face on this earth and the next.

  4. While recuperating from surgery 30 years ago (before the internet) I amused myself with three coloring books of beautiful butterflies and flowers. I physically could not pull out my canvases and oils. So coloring books serve a purpose.

    I could not imagine a coloring book of fat people being uplifting.

  5. Well, I’m transfat (assigned mesomorphdom at birth!), and this book has been a huge help to me. You don’t know the pain of having people misidentify your body type on a daily basis.

  6. Ya know what I’VE decided is “good”?!?

    Letting FAT PIGS pay extra for their health insurance, extra airplane seats, and revoking their “handicapped” license plates.

  7. Snip-The illustrator of the book, Allison Tunis, told Mashable she first came up with the idea for the coloring book because she wanted to “contribute to the movement” that taught her there’s nothing wrong with making unhealthy life decisions.

    Taught her there’s nothing wrong with making unhealthy life decisions…….what is wrong with people? How did we get to this point of utter mindboggling stupidity?

  8. “… respect for other people should not be given out …”

    No. Respect should not be “GIVEN” … it must be “EARNED.”

    Herein lies a goodly portion of the problem.
    Should people stand by and acquiesce to these people’s self-destruction?
    Is that Christian? To allow one to destroy itself on the altar of nihilistic neglect? Is it quintessentially American to watch silently as one slides into disease and death?

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. If it weren’t food and over eating into Electric Scooter Snowflake Specialness, the immature and weak minded would gravitate to some other alternative form of self abuse.
    Alcohol. Grass. Drugs.
    Compulsively photographing yourself sexting random strangers at 3 AM with your male toddler’s face positioned just inches from
    your erection.
    Mental illness will not be denied.
    Neither will simpleminded self indulgence.

    Darwin cannot be evaded by wishful thinking.

  10. All these hateful comments make it evident to me that obesity isn’t the biggest problem in America today, bigotry and hatred is.

    Do you think people WANT to be fat, knowing that they have to put up with fat hate & negativity from people like you? If it was that easy, don’t you think they’d do it, rather than put up with all of that?

    Even if they could, though…it’s their body to do with what they want. Don’t give me the “they’re destroying their body” argument. It’s simply concern trolling as an excuse to make them feel horrible & tell them what to do.

    I used to be fat. I was fortunate enough that my change in diet & exercise were enough to help me lose weight. For some of my friends, it didn’t happen, even though they exercised harder, and watched calories better than I did. That’s my point, you can’t assess why a person is fat, or their level of health just by looking at them. Take a walk through any hospital. Fat people aren’t the only patients.

    You’re all pathetic.

  11. LIYOM, willpower is really all it takes to not be an obese slug. Others should man up and tackle the problem, as you say you have.
    I’ve been knocking fat people all my life, and I hope that has prodded some of the fat bastards into trying to actually do something about it instead of sitting on their ass and stuffing their face, making the problem worse.
    You didn’t see obesity like you do today 150 years ago when people actually had to work for a living. Today, it’s promoted by progressives. And, no, it is not normal.

    Congratulations for doing something about your problem with it. Now I don’t have to insult you for being fat and lazy.

    And I don’t see any bigotry or hatred in this thread, the fatties reap what they sow and we laugh them for being so stupid. That’s all.

    No offense intended to you. Stay skinny. 🙂

  12. ^^^ and I apologize for my rudeness, but nobody has any respect for those who suffer from a self-inflicted “illness”.
    The respect only comes when they take control and beat the problem. The body is not designed to handle that much fat. People shouldn’t abuse it like that. You would think they would stop when they get 50 or 100 pounds over weight, but no, they just keep going. Self-inflicted.

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