Fat-Shaming and the Schizophrenic Left – IOTW Report

Fat-Shaming and the Schizophrenic Left

PatriotRetort: They say the ability to hold two contradictory ideas is a sign of genius.

Personally, I think it’s a sign of schizophrenia.

You only need to take a gander at the schizophrenic Left.

Back in 2010, Michelle Obama launched her “Let’s Move!” campaign to combat childhood obesity.


Oh, how the Liberals and the Enslaved Press gushed!

Michelle’s mission to fat-shame an entire generation was seen as noble and good.

And, like most Leftist endeavors, Michelle’s “Let’s Fat-shame!” campaign was not the stuff of gentle nudging, but coercion.

No, Michelle Obama wasn’t satisfied with encouraging messages and promotional campaigns. She was bound and determined to force children to get skinny whether they wanted to or not.


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