Father and son escape Howe Ridge Fire in Glacier National Park (video) – IOTW Report

Father and son escape Howe Ridge Fire in Glacier National Park (video)

h/t Really Enraged.

KXLH: (GREAT FALLS) Justin Bilton and his 70-year old father were backpacking through Wyoming and Montana, and last weekend set up camp in Glacier National Park. The next day, they realized that a lightning strike had started a small fire, which eventually turned into the 3,500-acre Howe Ridge Fire along Lake McDonald.

The fire began to explode around them, and Bilton and his father jumped into their rental car, trying to escape, but were trapped by the flames.



14 Comments on Father and son escape Howe Ridge Fire in Glacier National Park (video)

  1. Fires happen but the severity are due to the mismanagement of Obama’s Dept of the Interior. The buffoons in his administration screwed up everything they got near, and that was true in every department.

  2. That is terrifying. The video from that Gatlinburg fire the year before looked worse but your life depends on a tree falling across a road.


    For no one who has ever seen the full video, the language can be rather frank after the 9 minute mark.

    Great example of what happens if you wait for the government to come save you or to even notify you to save yourself.

  3. The smoke up in NW Montana up around Kalispell, Whitefish, Columbia Falls, Big Fork, MT. right now is incredibly bad so that you can’t even see the mountains let alone Flathead Lake on the way South towards Polson. I have to go up there tomorrow to make deliveries, it’s going to be a very smoky day. The air quality in our area Spokane, Wa. and CDA, Id. area is in the very unhealthy category right now with little or no relief in sight for the next few days because of all the fires and an inversion that’s keeping all the smoke down in the valley. It’s nasty out there right now, the smoke is so thick that you not only smell it but taste it as well. I’m almost looking forward to Oct. and Fall and Winter just to get out of these horribly smoky conditions.

  4. I don’t ever remember the smoke ever being this bad up until the last couple of years. Even when they used to burn the bluegrass on the Rathdrum prairie every August until about 20 years ago when they finally shut it down except on some of the local Indian reservations it never was this bad. I blame the ecoweenies for not allowing anyone to cut and harvest deadwood in the forests for timber under any or very limited circumstances.


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