Father Beats the Hell Out of Uber Driver After Finding Him Sexual Assaulting His Daughter in Backseat of Car – IOTW Report

Father Beats the Hell Out of Uber Driver After Finding Him Sexual Assaulting His Daughter in Backseat of Car

The girl’s father beat Ahmed Ali so badly that he needed medical attention.

24 Comments on Father Beats the Hell Out of Uber Driver After Finding Him Sexual Assaulting His Daughter in Backseat of Car

  1. “Father Beats the Hell Out of Uber Driver After Finding Him Sexual Assaulting His Daughter in Backseat of Car”


    …in most places, deadly force is justified in cases 9f rape.

    The only problem here is they let him live.

    …although Im kinda good with the idea that the next rape he participates in…will be with HIM as the reciever…

  2. “…led prosecutors to express concerns over the potential for violence should Ali be released.”

    I bet. There are probably lots of places around there where a body could be hidden where it will never be found.

  3. I once knew a Dane who came to this country for a couple of years back in the eighties who said:
    “If I get sued I’ll feel like I’ve finally arrived!”

    Well, I’m sure that father would wear the charge like a Red Badge Of Courage!
    … then I just found out that The Red Badge of Courage has been BANNED!
    Fuckin Godamned Leftist Commies!!

  4. One of these sand negroes mess with one of my granddaughters they wouldn’t need an ambulance. they’ll need a hearse. I’m 74 years old. Life in prison doesn’t mean much to me.


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