Father in Julius Caesar costume challenges teacher’s gender-fluid attire at school board meeting – IOTW Report

Father in Julius Caesar costume challenges teacher’s gender-fluid attire at school board meeting

BPR: A Concord, New Hampshire father, showed up at a school board meeting Monday dressed as Julius Caesar to drive home the point that CSD Superintendent Kathleen Murphy and Christa McAuliffe Principal Kristen Gallo were “facilitating gender confusion.”

He’s calling for the suspension of both Murphy and Gallo for allowing an art teacher who identifies with the LGBTQ community to continue teaching in the elementary school.

“I am Caesar. Julius Caesar of Rome, the emperor. I am also a female,” Guglielmo proclaimed. “Does anybody here believe that? That I am Julius Caesar? Anybody believe that? No, of course not. It’s ridiculous.”

“I’m not Caesar. I’m not a woman either. I’m here as a father who loves his children, who loves his country. And I’m here to talk about this duty of a school board and the Department of Education. Your duty is to act in the best interest of children. It is to teach truth, not lies. Facts, not fiction. Biology, not a social agenda.” Guglielmo declared.

“As taxpayers, we deserve to have our children taught what we pay for, and it’s not a social agenda, whether it be right or left,” the father charged. more

8 Comments on Father in Julius Caesar costume challenges teacher’s gender-fluid attire at school board meeting

  1. “We are losing our country.”

    Sadly, we are losing our entire civilization – this Satanic perversion appears to be a World-wide phenomenon.
    There’s no place to go. We cannot avoid it. And that leaves only one response – upon which, sooner or later, we must embark.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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