Father of CHAZ/CHOP Shooting Victim Says “Bring in the National Guard” – IOTW Report

Father of CHAZ/CHOP Shooting Victim Says “Bring in the National Guard”

Bongino: While Seattle’s Mayor Jenny Durkan was initially optimistic that the new republic of CHAZ and/or CHOP would lead us to a “summer of love,” those delusions were quickly met by reality in the form of a handful of shootings that have left two dead so far. The first person killed was a nineteen year old, and the second, killed yesterday, was a sixteen year old. Both were African-American.

Tragically, it’s very likely that the former victim would’ve survived had paramedics been able to enter CHAZ. After an active shooting police need to secure the area before paramedics can enter to operate, but CHAZ “residents” wouldn’t let them in, so paramedics couldn’t save the teenager, who ended up bleeding out for a half hour before dying as a result. more

14 Comments on Father of CHAZ/CHOP Shooting Victim Says “Bring in the National Guard”

  1. “…it’s very likely that the former victim would’ve survived had paramedics been able to enter CHAZ.”

    What, the Chaz “Medics” aren’t really medics at ALL!?! Shocked, SHOCKED im not…

    …when this over, get THEM for malpractice, misfeasace, practicing medicine without a license, impersonation, complicency to murder, and anything ELSE that will make them prison fucktoys for the rest of their brutal and hopefully short lives. Those bastards were fake healers that shit on the whole CONCEPT of prehospital medical care, and were used as a drawing card to promise a level of care that they had NO capability OR intention of providing.

    Let Bubba rape them bloody.

    Then let Bubba be their “medic” in the infirmary afterwards.

    …Its no worse than what THOSE lying fucks did, and actually more HONEST…

    Jail them.
    Take everything they owned.
    Don’t let them leave alive.

    Fuck those guys.

  2. CHAZ/CHOP/CHAPPED-CHOAD is being dismantled right now. Those who supported and participated in it are now crying about the destruction of their personal property and the “art” they created and are now appealing to their Constitutional Rights.

    The irony of it all will never be realized by them.

  3. “Father of CHAZ/CHOP Shooting Victim Says “Bring in the National Guard””

    …you know, I can sympathise, I can empathize, I can even not moralize. This guy’s lost a SON, he’s in a LOT of pain, and we can’t ALWAYS control what our adult children do.

    But I don’t understand his response.

    …were it MY son, I wouldn’t ask for the Guard.

    …I’d head there with an assortment of weapons and a load of RIGHTEOUS anger, take advantage of the lawlessness, and settle the score MYSELF.

    As many as possible.
    And as long as possible.

    Raz from Chaz would be my instant new life’s goal, he and his, and I would not stop until both of us were dead.

    But that’s just me…

    …I don’t ask others to do my job.

    I’m not sure why HE is…

  4. A question for the father,,,
    Why did you allow your son to be involved in this insanir]ty?
    Now you want other men’s sons to risk their lives to clean up Seattle’s crap?
    Let Seattle wipe their own butt!

  5. The bigger picture here and across the country — Democrats allowing this — is about the black vote. They know they’re losing it and they’ll do anything, anything, to try to get it back. Durkan an other Democrat mayors are probably more surprised than anyone that it would come to this — blacks murdering blacks in the name of BLM.

    It’s not going to work in the way they thought it would. They’ve alienated — and forced — voters who are black to see, maybe for the first time, how destructive and manipulative Democrats are to them.

  6. Well, that’s embarrassing. I looked up Slim Whitman to see if he was still alive (alas, no, he passed away in 2013 at age 90), and find that the Martian killer song was Indian Love Call and not Una Paloma Blanca.

    I sure do seem to remember the latter song being played at some point in that movie, though. Hmm. I’m working with an 8th decade memory. Wait. Why did I just walk into the laundry room?

  7. I have been bringing my almost 16 year old son to work with me since virtual classes have finished.

    1) busy people don’t have time to hang around and find shit
    2) people who work respect the work of others and don’t riot
    3) going from site to site he gets to see how some people choose to live their lives and how those choices resulted.

    If those idle little minds were busy in school & not locked down they would most likely be alive. I blame their Teachers, circle of friends, and a very lax set of social values.

    NOT OUR (conservatives) PROBLEM!

  8. The Democrat mayors and governors are loving all this chaos. They will blame it on Trump even though they are the ones who can activate the National Guard in their states and they need to be the ones to initiate federal government help.


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