Father of Drowned SEAL Candidate Demands Answers From US Navy – IOTW Report

Father of Drowned SEAL Candidate Demands Answers From US Navy


The father of a Navy SEAL candidate who died during training several years ago levied several accusations against the military after another SEAL candidate died earlier this month.

“I’d like to send my condolences to Kyle Mullen’s family. No one can relate to their situation like I can,” James Lovelace told Fox News on Sunday, referring to the SEAL candidate who recently died. “I know what they’re going through, and what they’re about to go through with the lack of information that they’re going to get from the U.S. Navy surrounding their son’s death.”

Lovelace’s son, James “Derek” Lovelace, died in 2016 during training. But the elder Lovelace has claimed the Navy fabricated information relating to his 21-year-old son’s death and hasn’t acknowledged any wrongdoing.

“I’m kind of reliving my son’s incident six years ago all over again,” Lovelace told Fox. “It’s a sad world when this is what it takes for me to get some attention for my son: another young man dying.” read more

12 Comments on Father of Drowned SEAL Candidate Demands Answers From US Navy

  1. The kid died doing what he wanted to do. BUDS HELL WEEK is by far the hardes test of any militarey training. WITH GOOD REASON. I’v had many “Froggy/SEAL FRIENDS THE LAST 63 YEARS. ALL GOOD MEN. ALL WILLING TO DIE FOR WHAT 23 YEARS AGO WAS AMERICA. SOME DIE IN TRAINING;But as I said earlier BETTER TOP DIE IN TRAINING THAN IN COMBAT – WHERE THEIR DEATH WOULD BURDEN THE TEAM. Lowering the standards – which is what the dad is indirectly asking for – is in IMHO the wrong thing.

    Nobody wants men to die; but as Ronny said many times “freedom is not free! Its paid for with the lives of DOMESTIC TERRORISTS!’


    And have been proud opf America for over 70 years

  2. exJarhead – I do partially agree with you. The BUD/S training is definitely among the most grueling training exercises ever developed.
    If I were an Army guy, I would put up the Green Beret, Delta Force, or Ranger training.
    Having met and trained in martial arts with both Ranger and Air Force ParaRescue people, I won’t limit it 🙂 All of them have a specific purpose, well at least until the woke / diversity crowd took them over

  3. @an ol exJarhead

    Not discounting anything you typed ( I am ex-military, was in fantastic shape but these guys are on a whole new level) they have my utmost respect.

    But, why would you just unilaterally dismiss this death as,”Oh well, it’s a tough course, guys die”? This is the same government, the same military that fucked up the Afghan surrender and got guys killed, this is the same group that is riffing good soldiers out of the military because of their politics, the same group that demands the vax or retire, the same group that elevates proper pronoun usage over military readiness, the same group that wants more tranny soldiers to fill some diversity quota, and the same group that routinely spies on its citizens then routinely lies about it.

    Doesn’t the family deserve an honest accounting of exactly how their son died? Maybe it was medically related due to the jab, Maybe there was neglect in the training or supervision, and just maybe his death was premeditated, the guy was a Christian or a Trump supporter and the D.I. wanted to make an example of him.

    Yes, the training should be rigorous, but I don’t trust these people as far as I can throw them, neither should you.

  4. BUDS is designed to be mentally tough. It’s not a marathon. It determines how well you think under duress. Not much sleep, cold water, physical punishment. I would think this deserves to be looked at.
    The dangerous stuff comes later.

  5. These military specialties are the most grueling, demanding tests of the human body and mind that exist. There are risks associated with this.

    I am sorry we kill people in training, in selection. But when you are asking what we do from these military members this is how you find out if they can do those jobs.

    These deaths are NOT treated lightly within these communities. Because we cannot afford to lose these people stupidly. If protocols were violated somebody is going to have their ass in a sling. Unlike politics, you don’t get to resign and dodge responsibility.

    The families may never know someone did twenty years for being stupid that resulted in a death.

  6. Military training accidents, injuries and death are inevitable, many are avoidable.

    In mid-1969 during Infantry Training Regiment (ITR), we were on the grenade range receiving instruction, followed by practice with dummy grenades and finally the use of live grenades.

    During the live grenade exercise, a young Marine in my Platoon, with the grenade clutched to his chest, pulled the pin and the spoon fell to the ground. He never attempted to throw the grenade, he froze.

    The Marine Range officer, a recently returned Vietnam Combat Wounded Veteran, attempted to grab the grenade to throw it down range. The grenade detonated killing the Sergeant and the young Private.

    The military is a dangerous occupation during training and deployment, regardless of the Military Occupational Specialty.

    When serious injury or death occurs, an honest, thorough, in depth investigation must be conducted and shared with the Chain of Command, to the training Cadre and in the event of serious injury or death, to the family.

  7. Cato

    I met 2 t 7th Marines 14 years ago at my gym. (Mosul) Asked where they did ITR. They looked at me like i was crazy. Then i told them i was at way (Hue) . The genuflecting and kowtowing was a little embarssing, but did my ego good. So I pointed to some of my scars and went into gruesome detail on how i got them and who died as a result. i was “sir” from then on.


    As ive said here many times war is really bad. But it also is the only thing to keep freedom! Which seems to be where we are now.

  8. Every navy recruit sees the seal film in boot, you know what your signing up for. Sorry for the loss, but you go into it willingly, nobody puts a tennis racket to your head and says you must try.

  9. “On the night of 27th April 1944 during World War Two, a terrible tragedy unfolded just off Slapton Sands on the coast of Devon. 946 American servicemen died during Exercise Tiger, the rehearsals for the D-Day landing on Utah Beach in Normandy, France.”

    Without comment by me.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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