Father of man killed by illegal immigrant demands Obama visit son’s grave – IOTW Report

Father of man killed by illegal immigrant demands Obama visit son’s grave


My son and all of the others are considered collateral damage in the quest for votes and campaign contributions,” he wrote. “Illegal immigration is not a victimless crime.”

The father of a man killed by an illegal immigrant in a car crash has challenged President Obama to visit his son’s grave before declaring any executive action halting deportations.

In a letter that Don Rosenberg sent last month to Mr. Obama through top officials at the Homeland Security Department, the grieving father said his son Drew might be alive had the federal government deported illegal immigrants who had run-ins with the law.


image: THABTO

16 Comments on Father of man killed by illegal immigrant demands Obama visit son’s grave

  1. “…in a letter that Don Rosenberg sent last month to Mr. Obama through top officials at the Homeland Security Department”

    I’d be interested to see the flowchart of that letter’s delivery. DHS must have been really worried about Mr. Rosenberg.

  2. And the several thousand other people murdered by illegal aliens every year. After that he can attend to the thousands killed by drunk, unlicensed illegal alien drivers. Aren’t golf courses often near cemeteries?

  3. This father needs to “Cindy Sheehan” that worthless, pig-eyed-sack-of-shit Obama.
    Follow his ass to every golf course, vacation, etc.
    The MSM glorified Cindy, don’t expect the same here.
    The guy would be labeled racist for profiling and following a black man.
    I hate that asshole.

  4. The father also needs to head down to South Texas with a large van.
    Pack up a dozen or so illegals, a-la The Walking Dead, and drive them to DC, drop them off at the Sidwell School that houses the two dipshit daughters of president asshole.
    Vengence would never taste so sweet.

  5. Mr. Rosenberg, a self-described “lifelong, very liberal Democrat,” has become active in pushing for illegal immigrants to be deported

    He’s your Dear Leader you malignant dumb ass. Prostrate, genuflect and atone for your whiteyness.

    My heartfelt schadenfreude is most sinful.

  6. “Mr. Rosenberg, a self-described “lifelong, very liberal Democrat,””

    So, it was OK as long as other American’s sons and daughters were being raped and murdered?

    Just got too close to home.

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