Father of Pulse Nightclub Terrorist Was FBI Informant – IOTW Report

Father of Pulse Nightclub Terrorist Was FBI Informant

CTH: Omar Mateen was the Islamic terrorist who attacked the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando Florida in June of 2016 killing 49 people.  Mateen’s wife Noor Salman is currently going through trial for assisting her husband leading up to the attack.

Previously it was disclosed Omar Mateen was on the radar of the FBI and interviewed prior to the attack for threatening Sheriff’s deputies.   Stunningly, it is revealed today the shooter’s father Seddique Mateen was an FBI informant from 2005 through 2016.

ORLANDO – […]  Mateen’s father was the subject of motion by Salman’s defense late Sunday, asking for the case against to be thrown out or declared a mistrial and arguing prosecutors failed to disclose that Seddique Mateen is a former confidential informant for the FBI.

Omar Mateen’s father was also investigated after agents assigned to the shooting case found receipts for money transfers to Turkey and Afghanistan, according to the motion filed by Salman’s defense. U.S. District Judge Paul Byron said he would consider the motion later today.  more here

17 Comments on Father of Pulse Nightclub Terrorist Was FBI Informant

  1. Astounding corruption in the FBI under Obama. Some will argue it’s just typical bureaucratic bungling but this is bungling that benefits treacherous outcomes and penalizes wholesome American principles.

  2. I’m not sure if I understand why this is looked at as being so important. Omar still killed 49 people, his wife it appears knew of the plan and said nothing. Maybe the dad can be implicated but other than that, what changes? Maybe charge the FBI if they knew beforehand.

  3. Seddique Mateen attended at least one Hillary Clinton rally in FL in August, 2016. A local reporter spotted him in the crowd behind Clinton’s podium. As a campaign worker, I can tell you that the people who are invited to stand behind the candidate are typically not random rally goers; they are insiders who are either very active in the campaign or (relatively) big money donors.

    This appears to be another in a long stream of triangulation between the FBI, the Clinton campaign and Bad Actor X. It looks like Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, obama and other high-up D’s had the FBI wrapped around their little fingers and were using them to whatever end was advantageous to her and D party.

    It’s possible, even, that the FBI (and/or the media) are calling him a “paid informant” when he could actually just be another conduit of money back to the ME.

  4. Is it true that the police also waited outside while people were being killed inside the nightclub? They didn’t storm the club and most of the fatalities occurred between the time the police arrived and when they finally acted? I read that somewhere.

  5. When the guiding motto of your Administration is, “Let no crisis go to waste”, a massacre of gays in a nightclub by someone who also loved the sound of the call to morning prayers advances your fundamental transformation of the US, just like letting firearms “walk” to the Mexican cartels. The evil was never pisslam, it was guns.
    obongo remains a wet spot on the mattress of history.

  6. Mateen didn’t just attend the HRC rally, he was specifically invited as a special guest by the Florida DNC. This stank on ice at the time, and now with the FBI relationship it’s obvious.

    I don’t see how his FBI relationship was not disclosed by prosecutors from the start.
    Both the shooter and his wife are both guilty and she deserves execution. Mateen probably as well.

    But now with the FBI angle it looks like Obama,s FBI was intentionally incubating another mass shooter for gun grabbing purposes. Plus, hopes of enlisting LBGTQs in the anti gun movement…gays are usually single-issue activists and rarely get off the couch for the rest of the Leftist agenda.

    Wonder if the same FBI names that refused to act on the Cruz warnings also refused to act on the Pulse shooting plans, which Mateen must surely have known all about.

  7. Another mother fuc cover up from criminal Muslim. This fuc people need to take 🐪🐪🐪🐪🐪🐪🐪🐪🐪🐪 and get the fuc out of my beautiful country.usa 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 Go back to your shit hole , Nigeria, Somalia,Kenya,what ever countries you camel ass came from.


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