Fauci – Day 26 – IOTW Report

Fauci – Day 26


Anthony Fauci, on day 26 of his Paxlovid- and vaccine-enhanced Corona experience, says that he is “Close to if not at 100% the way I was before infection.”

Despite not only following, but embodying, The Science, global vaccinator-in-chief Anthony Fauci caught Corona while attending a school reunion on 11 June. While most Omicron infections resolve within a week, the quadruple-vaccinated NIAID director and blight upon human civilisation suffered Paxlovid rebound, ten days ago, and is now approaching a month of infection.

Yesterday, he ended his radio silence to give some press interviews. more

15 Comments on Fauci – Day 26

  1. “Close to if not at 100% the way I was before infection.”

    Soooo … he’s still a lying, grifting, murderous sack of monkey shit?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. There is no way he got a bioweapon shot. They know the jabbed are the ones getting sick repeatedly and some are starting to question the shots so they are trying to normalize it with all this BS about being jabbed 3-4 times and how happy they are it wasn’t worse. Also coincided with them allowing pharmacists to prescribe Pfizer’s pill he keeps talking about. One big PSA commercial.

  3. Without the spike spikes and the Paxlovid, and WITH ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, he’d have felt under the weather for a week (maybe less), and could have gotten back to his regular job of mass murder for fun and profit weeks ago.

  4. While I know he isn’t truly sick, and has never had the death jab, I wish he was actually suffering.

    But since he isn’t, maybe the next time the Richmond Police Chief discovers a couple of border jumpers with AR-15’s and a plan to shoot something up, he could tell them, “No, you are not going to shoot up our celebration, but if you want to shoot someone, there is this guy just down the road named Anthony Fauci, go ahead and shoot him, all we will do is send you back to where you came from, no charges”.


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