‘Fauci’ earnings mystery: No info on box office take for gushing documentary about COVID czar – IOTW Report

‘Fauci’ earnings mystery: No info on box office take for gushing documentary about COVID czar

Just The News:

Documentaries often earn a fraction of what their fictional counterparts generate, at least those without the names “Moore” or “D’Souza” attached.

“Fauci,” a film detailing the scientific life of the nation’s preeminent infectious disease expert, appeared to be an exception.

Dr. Anthony Fauci has his detractors, particularly on the political right, but he’s still the biggest name in medical science thanks to his leadership on the COVID-19 pandemic and near-constant media presence.

The timing of the film’s Sept. 10 limited release, in cities including New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, D.C. and New Orleans, seemed fortuitous given the aggressive Delta variant.

Except we’re still waiting on the box office tally.

No major film site — think BoxOfficeMojo.com, IMDB.com, RottenTomatoes.com or Boxoffice Pro — has the film’s earnings to date. JustTheNews.com reached out to representatives at both National Geographic and Magnolia Pictures, the studios copresenting the film, for any figures from its two-plus weeks in limited release. Neither studio responded. read more

15 Comments on ‘Fauci’ earnings mystery: No info on box office take for gushing documentary about COVID czar

  1. What that little Moron Fauci doesn’t realize. He’s a tool and has no big brain. Eventually, when it’s convenient, he’ll find himself the unfortunate victim of a bathing incident. Choked to death by his own loofahs. The sooner the better.

  2. @Kcir: “And what jerk-off would go line up to watch this shit in a theatre?”

    A jerk-off with

    — a bag of rotten tomatoes
    — a pocket full of stink bombs
    — a nose full of Wuhan virus
    — a belly full of beans, hard-boiled eggs, and broccoli


  3. Thirdtwin
    “Yep. You want to bet “Fauci” gets an Emmy?”

    Because everybody knows the “Noble Peace Prize” is a joke.

    Who built the best economy? Hint, none of our leaders.

    gained 7 million new jobs
    Middle-Class family income increased nearly $6,000
    The unemployment rate reached 3.5 percent
    Jobless claims hit a nearly 50-year low.
    Lifted nearly 7 million people off of food stamps.
    Created more than 1.2 million manufacturing and construction jobs.
    More here

  4. Sort of off topic, but do ya’ll remember the little cafe in Missouri that refused the counties mask mandate and they took away her permit, so she found the loophole and opened back up as a private club, charging $1 to enter? A judge has ruled she must shut down.

    Are we ever going to start taking this country back? Frankly I’m old and tired and have ran out of patience.


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