Fauci Enters Quarantine After Possible Coronavirus Exposure – IOTW Report

Fauci Enters Quarantine After Possible Coronavirus Exposure

DailyWire/Ryan Saavedra: The other two officials who have entered self-quarantine are Dr. Robert Redfield, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Dr. Stephen Hahn, the commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and two other top scientific members of the White House Coronavirus Task Force have entered self-quarantines after coming into contact with or being near someone who has tested positive for the coronavirus. read more

26 Comments on Fauci Enters Quarantine After Possible Coronavirus Exposure

  1. For decades all we heard from the left was CIVIL RIGHTS for this minority group and that minority group. Now that all of our rights are lost where is the left?

  2. Funny how most of us don’t know anybody who’s been infected, but the DC crowd is apparently lousy with the Covid. It’s almost like somebody is trying to force Trump into quarantine, or worse.

  3. ” …. after coming into contact with or being near someone who has tested positive for the coronavirus …. ”

    Hopefully, they will stay quarantined until the restrictions they call for, and dictate orders about, are fully rescinded.

    FWIW, being near someone that has tested positive for it would apply to about 75% of the population (and probably all health care and nursing home workers) if we are being given truthful numbers about how many cases there are. It certainly doesn’t mean you actually have it or are even at real risk of having it.

    Ron Paul would be a good example of someone that just has a positive test, and he doesn’t hesitate to point out it never developed into anything of any consequence.

  4. I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if some of those commie bastards that frequent the White House would intentionally infect themselves in hopes of passing it on to Trump.

    They are ALL evil, crooked bastards.

  5. These three Prima Donnas have likely gone into hiding.
    Coincidental that they all three dive into the same 14-day hole. However, Fauci says he’ll answer Senate questions via Skype.

    Flynn has charges dropped. Obama blows a dog whistle about ‘fixing’ the Rule of Law. Mexico wants answers to “Fast & Furious.”

    I think something’s in the wind. We’ll wait and see.

  6. Nope, don’t buy it. It’s a charade – either for propaganda purposes or for a cover to explain why DJT will no longer use him as an “expert” consultant. Most likely propaganda purposes, to promote the continued “need” to shut down the American economy (i.e., get DJT voted out of office in November)

  7. Somewhere someone is sitting down to a beautifully laid Mothers’ Day brunch with their happy, gratitude-filled children and receiving a gift from their husband that has nothing to do with cleaning or cooking. And it’s not me.

  8. @ stirrin the pot MAY 10, 2020 AT 4:08 PM

    And that is the alpha and the omega of this charade. He knows the gig was up a week or so ago and he’s going into hiding hoping the public forgets about his roll in this three ring circle jerk.

    To quote one of my boyhood friends late mother: I hope his balls rot off.

  9. Fauci knows damn well and good that isolation doesn’t rid society of the virus. In fact, it does just the opposite – it prolongs the virus. Within days -almost hours, even – of states lifting restrictions, Frau Birx was predicting a new spike in positive Wuhan-flu cases because of that. How more blatant can you get than that?

    We need to get out and interact with one another. Many will be infected, but MOST will not suffer any fatal consequences. Those who are at risk will have to take the precautions that the totalitarian politicians are trying to impose on All of us. What’s good for a few is not necessarily good for ALL. And in the end, the Wuhan-flu will run it’s course like every other “Global PANDEMIC” (OMG, be afraid, VERY afraid!!!)

    This is political, plain and simple.

  10. I agree with Stirring the pot and JDHasty. Something is going on here and I’m sure he is not sick. It’s a charade to keep him out of public eye. Watch Brix as days go by. She always seems to give things away just by her body language and facial expressions.

    God Bless us all!

  11. Did he invent the WhuFlu? Then gave it the the CCP to be ‘found’ in a ‘wet market? Maybe? Maybe not…(BS cough).

    Turns out these things are FABRICATED, haha, by MEN and WOMAN.

    Then? He, or someone LIKE him, can make money on a virus ‘cure’ which there is no such thing. Viruses can be somewhat ‘controlled’ by not eradicated, meaning there exists many viruses in many labs we have no idea about.

    Have you ever heard about Plum Island??


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