Fauci-Funded Researchers & U.S. Officials Star In Chinese State Propaganda Documentary – IOTW Report

Fauci-Funded Researchers & U.S. Officials Star In Chinese State Propaganda Documentary

National Pulse:

China Global Television Network (CGTN) relies on participation from American experts – even from the taxpayer-funded National Institutes of Health (NIH) – to grant a facade of credibility to its propaganda operation.

The state-run broadcaster’s hour-long documentary – “The Next Pandemic” – posits that COVID-19 developed naturally, criticizing proponents of the “lab leak” theory as conspiracy theorists. To do so, the documentary relies on interviews with Chinese Communist Party-funded researchers including the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s “bat lady” Shi Zhengli and American academics with extensive ties to the Chinese Communist Party who prematurely insists the virus has a natural origin. more

6 Comments on Fauci-Funded Researchers & U.S. Officials Star In Chinese State Propaganda Documentary

  1. I know this virus is the one that gets the most attention.
    No way in hell,is it the only one.
    Do we have any idea,the number of viruses that China,Fauci and the NIH have collaborated on?
    How much more does the world have to look forward to?

  2. If we don’t fight back you can rest assured that the Vax Passport will force us on to a Social Credit Scoring system which will force you to obey the government. Not only that, but Vaccine 2.0 and subsequent booster after booster will effectively sign yer immune system up to a subscription service!

    C.S. Lewis said: “A tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive of all! It may be better to live under Robber Barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The Robber Barons cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated, but those who torment us for out own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience”

    I say God save us from those who purport to save us!


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