Fauci Hospitalized for 6 Days with West Nile Virus – IOTW Report

Fauci Hospitalized for 6 Days with West Nile Virus


Former coronavirus czar Anthony Fauci was hospitalized for six days after contracting the West Nile virus, a spokesperson confirmed.

Fauci, the ex-director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, is recovering at home after returning from the hospital and is expected to be okay, the spokesperson told CNN on Saturday. 

While most people — 80 percent — who are infected with West Nile virus do not experience symptoms, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said that approximately 20 percent suffer from an array of symptoms like fever, head and body aches, vomiting, diarrhea, and rashes.  read more

19 Comments on Fauci Hospitalized for 6 Days with West Nile Virus

  1. “… is recovering at home after returning from the hospital and is expected to be okay …”

    Oh. That’s a shame.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. I have to agree with GA Native here. The covids, the jabs, the west nile…it’s all bullshit. The little f—ker had never told the truth about anything, even when it would serve him better than a lie. What’s his game here?

    I’d like to believe that he’s destroyed his immune system with so many jabs, all of his illnesses are real, and he’ll die of a cold which they’ll call covid, but somehow I can’t believe any of from the fraud who was caught in public without a mask at the height of the scam.

    Is he trying to avoid prosecution by setting up the “Sick Old Man” defense like Joe Biden? I wouldn’t wish turbo-cancer on anybody, but……

  3. This mentally-ill shitheel loves publicity. He’ll cook up anything that gets him press. An obituary would be welcomed…there’s a Fauci Wing down here in the hottest corner and a cauldron with his name on it.

  4. I would pay good money to have a lustful simian in heat, infected with ‘monkey pox’, locked into Fauci’s bathroom when he’s stripped down and ready for his bath.
    Oh the humanity!

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