Fauci Lies – IOTW Report

Fauci Lies


·Dr. Kary Mullis, the winner of the 1993 Nobel Prize in Chemistry and the inventor of the PCR test used to diagnose COVID-19 said that the PCR test was NOT designed to “find a virus”. He also said that Dr. Anthony Fauci, “doesn’t mind going on television… and lying directly into the camera.”

16 Comments on Fauci Lies

  1. I couldn’t stand that weasel Fauci from when he first “informed” us back in March last year as to how to deal with the China induced flu, because nearly every thing that arrogant man said turned out o be wrong.

  2. Oh FFS!
    He’s paraded out in front of the camera! Like Chuck Schumer!
    OF COURSE he’s a lying shit-bag! Who else would they bring out?
    Another lying maggot who has no credibility on Earth, only in Media-Land.

    If you see it on TV – IT’S SHIT!
    (just a rule of thumb)

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. The False Positives have to have logically thinking minds wonder, just what the really Infection to Mortality count was?

    When even Respected Expert Medical Sources admit a 23%+ False Positive report.

    BTW: Here is the latest CDC mortality Data.

    After loading the website scroll down to Table #1.
    Click on the Left “Column Week-ending date” to reorder the sort to START to LATEST Date. Then take note how the WUHAN-FLU follows the CDC’s typical Flu Season definition of (Oct/Nov to April/May).

    Note: These are USA figures and do not include China’s Oct/Nov Suppressed & CENSORED Data.

    Note: How Season #1 PEAKED April 18th, 2020 and declined until party run offs. Then started dropping again until Oct.10th, 2020 as we had a run up to National Election. At which time it started up over the Main Election cycle. Peaking Dec 12th, 2020 and declining as Season #2 Flu cycle is coming to an end.

    All just in time for the NEW Congress to take Office in Early Jan. 2021?

  4. Dummies like Biden and his wife like to say “Trust the Science”.
    What about “Trust the Scientist”? This Fauci guy has a very weak academic CV. If you check the Scientific Citation Index, he is not the senior author on any significant research. He is the classic example of how a suck up gets ahead at the NIH through networking. He deserves to be called Dr. about as much as Jill does.

  5. A media darling – like Desmond Tutu, Nelson Mandela, Josef Stalin, Katie Couric, Don Lemon, Rachael Madcow, George Snuffleupagus, Joey Biden, Kamel’Ho Harris, HRC, Bill Clinton, Marie Barf, Jen Psaki, and a host of others who would, in a just world, be in jail – or feeding out of dumpsters.

    And as for “Trust the Science” you gotta be a royal fucking retard to listen to the likes of Joey Biden discussing science! He knows less about science than Pete, the Goose. And I would trust Pete’s opinion before Joey’s.

    izlamo delenda est …


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