Fauci Lurked Gay Bath Houses, Bars To Learn About AIDS Up Close – IOTW Report

Fauci Lurked Gay Bath Houses, Bars To Learn About AIDS Up Close

National File: On the February 4 episode of National Public Radio’s “Fresh Air” program, Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has led the NIAID since 1984, admitted to frequenting gay bars and bath houses in the 1980s, so he could gain a better scientific understanding of how HIV and AIDS spread among the homosexual population.

In the radio program, Fauci admitted that the federal government did not listen to the concerns of gay activists in the 1980s, who felt the government was not listening to their concerns about a new disease that scientists knew virtually nothing about and spread through the gay community like wildfire.

In response, Fauci said he asked himself, “Let me put myself in their shoes. If I were in their position, what would I be doing?” more

50 Comments on Fauci Lurked Gay Bath Houses, Bars To Learn About AIDS Up Close

  1. Fauci is the natural outcome of intellectualism without morality. When there is no anchor for ethics then ethical behavior is left to the academic to determine for him or herself.

  2. Sure, he only lurked the bathhouses..uh huh😉.
    What idiot couldn’t use common sense to know it was a sexually transmitted disease..it works the same way in whore houses. Only in this case, the whores were gay.

  3. So what your telling me is

    Fauci has researched & studied the mating habits of the American homosexual in what he perceived as it’s native hunting grounds… Really?

    Bet there’s more to this story than’s being told.

  4. If we just follow his train of thought, we can conclude that in order to better understand what incentives, what positive rewards, homosexual men find in homo sex, Tony screwed other men in the butt and was so screwed himself, and sucked on other men’s dicks and was so sucked himself.

    I imagine his findings were inconclusive and so he has continued his in-depth research and perseveres at it to this day.

  5. Science(tm)!

    You can see Fauci sitting in a shadowy corner, smoking a cigarette and furiously scribbling notes on what he’s observing in his legal pad.

    As the camera pans over his shoulder, it zooms in to see he’s just writing down phone numbers from the bathroom wall.

  6. “Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has led the NIAID since 1984, admitted to frequenting gay bars and bath houses in the 1980s, so he could gain a better scientific understanding of how HIV and AIDS spread among the homosexual population.”

    Yeah, right. He’s probably just getting ahead of the story and setting the narrative before someone else breaks it.

  7. So gay activists still think their civil rights were violated when bath houses were closed in the early 80s. At that time they knew promiscuous gay sex was a main reason for the HIV outbreak. But arguing against closing churches during a flu for 9 months is considered by some of the same people as petty, anti-social, and wrong. Gotcha.

  8. Doctor Death Fauci was conducting his own real time and on site research on which would be a better treatment of AIDS – Oral method or by Injection in the Anus. Bet he is still continuing his research because he just can’t make of his mind because he is such a deaddickated Federal employee.

    Pretty weird public admission.

  9. The main “thrust” (!) of his admission, was to perpetuate the lie that the Reagan administration ignored the growing spread of Aids, a lie that has been debunked numerous times, especially after 1984, when Fauchi was enjoying the bath house tours.

    Side bar: You don’t need to go to a bath house (or Turkish prison) to know EXACTLY what goes on in there.

  10. So he wanted to see firsthand what they were “doing” to spread a sexually transmitted disease? How did this guy get through medical school? Is he that stupid or does he think we are?

    SEX, Tony! They were “doing” SEX…in the ways that gay men “do” SEX.

  11. Sooooo … he’s a fag … *yawn* … I never would have expected that!
    Like finding out about Mohammed, Barry Obola, Elton John, Liberace, and Ru Paul?
    Seein as he’s 80 years old, he must have an iron constitution … or Schedule 80 condoms.

    Shocked, I tell ya!
    Not really …

    Not that there’s anything wrong with that …

    izlamo delenda est …

  12. OK, got it…and to understand the eating habits of ravenous wolves you stand unarmed in a northern forest and make wolf howls to attract the hungry wolves. First hand experience is always the best.

  13. The pompous little twerp knows most of the general public is stupid. They will believe his pathetic “AIDS” research story, since the faithful Covid worshippers are wearing two or more masks, based on his recommendation.

    Dr. Phallic-xi seems to be ashamed of being LGBTQetc and uses a cockamamie, “it’s for science” excuse to cruise gay bars. He just needs to zip up and “come” out of the closet.

    Yeah. He’s a “genius”…Not!


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