Fauci, NIH, scientists got $350 million from ‘3rd party payers’ – IOTW Report

Fauci, NIH, scientists got $350 million from ‘3rd party payers’


Over a 10-year period, the National Institutes of Health, agency scientists and executives such as Dr. Anthony Fauci received a total of $350 million in royalty payments from third parties, such as pharmaceutical companies, according to an independent investigation that obtained government documents through a lawsuit.

The probe by Adam Andrzejewski and his non-profit OpenTheBooks.com examined the royalty payments for inventions by agency scientists between fiscal years 2010 and 2020.

In addition, NIH granted $30 billion to about 56,000 recipients, OpenTheBooks.com found, noting that the “largess of taxpayer money buys a lot of favor and clout within the scientific, research, and healthcare industries.”

As for the lucrative royalty payments to NIH scientists, the non-profit said, each one “could be a potential conflict of interest and needs disclosure.”

Andrzejewski said the NIH documents are heavily redacted, and only the number of payments each scientist received is disclosed along with the aggregate amount per NIH agency. The amount of the individual payments is blacked out. more

h/t NAAC

3 Comments on Fauci, NIH, scientists got $350 million from ‘3rd party payers’

  1. This seems a bit unsavory, a tad suspicious, a smidgeon of corruption, even possibly a big deal! I’ve got a feeling that these thieves might retire before the 2024 Reckoning.

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