Fauci now only appearing on local TV, obscure YouTube channels – IOTW Report

Fauci now only appearing on local TV, obscure YouTube channels

PM: Dr. Anthony Fauci, the public face of the Biden administration’s response to the coronavirus pandemic, has been conspicuously absent from marquee media appearances.

Over the last two years, the director of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases never missed an opportunity to be in front of a camera, thereby making his absence more notable.

As the American public grows tired of COVID-19 restrictions, and in response, even the Democrat governors who imposed the most stringent restrictions rolled mandates back in advance of the State of the Union address, Fauci is still clinging to masks and warning of the dangers of getting back to pre-pandemic life.

Yet, as COVID-19 has increasingly polled badly for Democrats, according to Jordan Schachtel of The Dossier, a Democratic polling firm recently convinced the Biden Administration and its allies in Congress to drop the hysteria. With midterms around the corner, and trouble raging in Eastern Europe, it was time to put the kibosh on all of it.” more

24 Comments on Fauci now only appearing on local TV, obscure YouTube channels

  1. Fauxci? I do dislike that President Trump didn’t get rid of him, but why is he still relevant? Even (most of) the dems say that we don’t need to mask and take toxic tests every day. THe dems are taking a (fake) victory lap and Fauxci is still saying we must isolate and mask up.

    Sad that he is at the top of the bureaucratic government payscale.

  2. Calling Dr. Pimple popper, we have a great big giant fester ridden carbunkle (zit) that needs to be popped and removed stat. Maybe he’ll just turn into a large blob of amoeba like goo like in the old Mad cartoon of a guy popping a huge zit.

  3. It’s just on hiatus.

    Give it a few months. Once everyone has their guard down, just before the “election” the Chinese will open one of the OTHER six of Fauci’s vials and unleash a TRULY deadly horror on us all. Those that aren’t dead will be MUCH too frightened to question Government, and Fauci will look like a genius, prophet, and savior all rolled into one, and the surviors will obey his every utterance and slay out of hand those who don’t.

    As intended.

  4. Bullshit!!

    Do not let them just slide this little fucker into the memory hole! He, and all the other want to be dictators have to be held accountable.

    Drag that little fucker back out into the sunlight and start putting the questions to him.

  5. Only place I want to see that worthless lying asshole is in the Obits.

    Quick question: Is he gonna take all his ill-gotten gains with him to Hell?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Little Eefer is done. This lowlife scum has done more to hurt America than almost anyone else. He is pure evil. I hope all his lies and misinformation will come out before he dies.

  7. The Fauci Serial Killer has been told by globalist and deep-state cults to take a back seat so that their false illusions, propaganda, and parlaying of the R&U invasion can be implemented for their vile ‘great reset’.

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