Fauci paper suggests feds knew COVID vaccines were doomed from the start: ‘Decidedly suboptimal’ – IOTW Report

Fauci paper suggests feds knew COVID vaccines were doomed from the start: ‘Decidedly suboptimal’

JTN: Anthony Fauci knows why COVID-19 vaccines have been so unreliable at halting infection and transmission beyond a few months. He waited until he stepped down as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases to publicly explain it.

Elsevier’s medical journal Cell Host and Microbe published a “perspective” led by Fauci’s office last month that shows NIAID had good reason to believe COVID vaccines would fail even before they were authorized, based on research spanning Fauci’s 38-year tenure leading NIAID. more

10 Comments on Fauci paper suggests feds knew COVID vaccines were doomed from the start: ‘Decidedly suboptimal’

  1. It is not, nor has it ever been a “vaccine.” This is a classic example of redefining to support their controlling agenda. They’ve have lied from day one and may I humbly suggest that it is never referred to again as a “vaccine.” The liars should face the consequences of the misery they have wrought.
    Thank you for your time.

  2. That’s nice.

    Now I can tell the families of my dead patients their outcomes were “decidedly suboptimal” because the kill shot was “decidedly suboptimal”.

    That should make everyone feel better.

    Thanks for that.

  3. I guess that explains why Faustus couldn’t remember which arm was sore from receiving the shot. In an interview, he rubbed the wrong arm saying, “Still just a little tender.”

    In a perfect world, Burt Bacharach would reach 100 and Faustus would exit at 82.

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