Fauci Says Everyone Should Wear Goggles For Better Protection Against COVID-19 – IOTW Report

Fauci Says Everyone Should Wear Goggles For Better Protection Against COVID-19

An old timey diving suit – by MJA.

Gateway Pundit: When will it end — when everyone’s wearing one of those old-timey deep sea diving contraptions?

Dr. Anthony Fauci this week said people should wear goggles or face shields if they want to get better protection from contracting the coronavirus.

“If you have goggles or an eye shield, you should use it,” Fauci, an immunologist and director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases who serves on the White House Coronavirus Task Force, told ABC News on Wednesday.

“You have mucosa in the nose, mucosa in the mouth, but you also have mucosa in the eye,” he said. “Theoretically, you should protect all the mucosal surfaces. So if you have goggles or an eye shield you should use it.” He added that “if you really want to be complete, you should probably use it if you can.” more here

43 Comments on Fauci Says Everyone Should Wear Goggles For Better Protection Against COVID-19

  1. It’s the contemporary version of Obama’s “cough in the elbow”. It is an exercise in social control. In Obama’s case, the Dems wanted to pacify a frightened nation from their fears about H1N1. Now the Dems are stoking fear to a fever pitch. They will not be satisfied until they have people walking around in bubble-boy suits.

  2. Dr. Fauci can go to hell as far as I am concerned. Have you noticed that Fauci’s name closely resembles Faustus. I will not wear googles or any face or eye coverings just because he says so, he is not my boss and he has no authority to tell me what I can and can not do.

  3. Biden isn’t the only one suffering from dementia that’s for sure. Fauci has gone completely crazy or he is drunk with power. President Trump’s biggest mistake in his presidency so far has been to follow the totally wrong advice of this asshole dwarf of a doctor and that bad toothed, scarf wearing dried up old prune Brix on how to deal with the Chinese Wuhan not so lethal virus.

    Whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad.

    By the way fuck China. Let’s not forget they deliberately unleashed this virus on us and coincidences of coincidences in an election year. Never mind Russian collusion, how about the democrats China collusion.

    China and their democrat communist party allies must pay.

  4. Did he just learn this? I’ve been saying this all along–if the bug travels in itty-bitty water droplets a mandatory mask, but no eye protection is stupid. This is all safety theater.

  5. Fauci is starting to come off as the smooth-talking a-hole high school movie trope who has no trouble getting girls. When the nerds ask him for advice, he tells them to do horrible things, then watches in glee as they try to do them.

  6. You know the old saying, “give him an inch and he’ll take a mile”. If you keep submitting to his will, he will impose it even more punitively. It’s a power game to him. He thinks he’s E.F. Hutton. “When I speak, people listen.”

  7. “… sheep look up, and are not fed, But swoln with wind, and the rank mist they draw, Rot inwardly, and foul contagion spread …”

    Got it, Fauci …

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. …after thousands of years of exposure to ever-mutating diseases, suddenly THIS year, we all have to dress like the Michelin man or we’re all gonna DIE.

    …sorry, I won’t comply, I believe my God is a better designer than either the Communist that altered the bug OR the Communist that want to use it to control me…

  9. How many times has he changed his Mask usage tune since just February 2020 does this now make?

    Maybe it has something to do with the fact that US stores now have over $4+Billion worth of useless C-19 products they need to sell?

    Like “NON-MEDICAL” Rated Face Masks and Hand Sanitizer fluids on the shelves at ridiculously high prices.

    Not-C19 rated safe Non-medical paper Face masks @ $18+ per 25.
    Or maybe the KN-95 Non-Medical, Not-C19 rated safe Face masks sold in packs of 5 selling for $14.95.
    Or maybe the shelves now filling up with $3.95 a 3.4 OZ Hand sanitizer bottles ($1+/- per OZ or $160 per gal.)

    BTW: a 190 Proof 1/5 of Everclear Grain Alcohol is cheaper at 25.6 oz for $21.99 and has a DUEL use☺

  10. The purpose of “social distancing” and masks is social isolation (a sort of soft social solitary confinement) and goggles will help further this purpose to make it more effective.

  11. God help us if Biden wins and the Dems take the Senate and keep the House. You have no idea yet about the wrath of the con. Did you know that the Covids can get through your ears into your brain?

  12. Call a press conference and announce that public schools will open in September. Mandatory masks and face shields to be worn by all teachers and staff.

  13. Might I suggest that the wearing of heavy black welding masks become mandatory. I hate the wu flu and these bastards using it to destroy America. Maybe I should write KISS MY ASS on any mask that I’m forced to wear. I am not a damn sheeple!

  14. I was actually wondering when someone was going to notice that viruses could penetrate the eye region just like good old fashioned pink eye.

    BUT, I was WAY AHEAD and have been telling people to shove a but plug up their asses for months now which can also prevent them from drowning when they take baths.

  15. Which shows to go that without eye cover the mask was totally unnecessary! It must be a hoot for the runt and the scarf lady, while nursing cocktails and gingerales, laughing their asses off at the spectacle of masses of adult people covered up in masks and googles like some alien invasion, and not from Mexico!

  16. Doctor Falsie Swampy Deep State loves, loves President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton. She’s busy protecting herself from the ChiComvirus gluging gallons of Chardonnay and keeping her social distance from Billy Boyo. Doctor Falsie Swampy Deep State has done more to derail President Trump than anyone since Robespierre Mueller and Sanfranshithole Nancy. He has been unmasked as an agent for Dementia Joe Obiden Bama and his controllers.

  17. Local News here in Las Vegas (just visiting) showed a map of the US and had a banner that said over 4 million dead (stupid news chick didn’t say world wide) just let people think she meant in the US. How do we fight this bullshit?

  18. I.Don’t.WANT.”Better Protection”!
    I want to catch this ChiFlu.
    I want to develop antibodies and herd immunity.
    What next?
    Military style gas masks?
    Medieval plague masks?

  19. Fauci says. That about sums it up, like playing Simon says where the one playing Simon can make you do a host of absurd things and the schmuck participants go along with it. At this point he has lost all credibility and I am inclined to do the opposite of everything he says.


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