Fauci sticks a knife into NFL – IOTW Report

Fauci sticks a knife into NFL

Fauci: ‘Unless Players Are in a Bubble…it Would Be Very Hard to See How Football Is Played this Fall’.

64 Comments on Fauci sticks a knife into NFL

  1. …before you celebrate TOO much, remember that this means HUNDREDS of Colin Kapernicks are now available to make commercials about how much they hate America, Trump, and Whitey ALL YEAR LONG, for which a gleeful Soros will GLADLY pay them DOUBLE…

  2. I was looking forward to seeing if Brady could pull off a Peyton Manning this year but then they started all their kneeling BS and Goodall came out so whether they cancel it or not I’m not in anymore. Be woke, go broke.

  3. Supernightshade

    I don’t think so. If they want to eat they’ll need to go get a job. There’s no market or notoriety for athletes with no game to play. Expect crime to sky rocket.

  4. Can you imagine what this means? All the BLM, Kapperdink lovers will HATE HATE HATE this vile little man! Antifa will hunt him down and give him a wedgie, the NFL will do the Moe Howard eye poke and Hollywood will put on a NFL Lovefest/Fauci Hatefest marathon.

    Like Antidote said, “This is going to be good.😂”

    We win, no matter what!

  5. “Illegal contact, Number 10, Offence. Hands touching Center’s butt not allowed. 10 yard penalty, loss of down, and opposing team allowed 10 seconds for shaming.”

  6. He’s just there to ruin the economy by any means necessary so Trump might lose the election. Sadly he and the dumbasses have Joe Biden as their candidate right now?…..I know that my above statement has been said many times by people much wiser then me, but WTF is he thinking?…..The NFL owners are paying YUGE salaries with no revenue. They have coalesced to the kneelers yet they eventually have to look at what’s left in their wallets….Fuckin’ Fauchi is deranged…..

    I think I’ll sue Fauchi if I ever get the flu again. He should have told me to live in a bubble and wear more comfortable socks nnnn make mouse skin lampshades…..

  7. Fauci should be arrested for practicing medicine without a frontal lobe.

    I’m still trying to understand how Trump has allowed this weasel and his cohort at the CDC to ruin, in a matter of weeks, the most robust economy in the history of the world.

    I cannot be a Trump apologist on this issue. Even if he was attempting to play things according to Hoyle, the price has been too incredibly high. And when you think of the ways in which the Left has exploited the situation, isn’t it high time our Executive leader just clear the decks of this unabashed Lefist dreck?

    There are only about a thousand and one ways people meet their ends. I do not understand how destroying the quality of so many lives is preferable to playing a losing game against a virus which, according to so many now, is not nearly as lethal as it was portrayed, and generally affects a population who are at very high risk from more minor infections like colds.

    Better to wear slippers than to try to carpet the world.

  8. Finally! This little squint (Dr. Swampy Deep State) has done SOMETHING to awaken Americans to the threat his overblown predictions have on getting this country back on its feet. He loves, loves, loves that woman who didn’t get elected President. She’s probably wondering why he hasn’t emailed her for a couple of hours. Time to forcibly retire this pathetic prognosticator.

  9. Yeah, like a billion dollar industry will listen to that asshole. They will shut down if the coaches/players don’t want a season, not because of what Baby New Year has to say.

  10. (Whistle blows…. twrrrrrrrrrr)

    “Defense, too many faggots on the field with hair down to their ass. Automatic first down. Also, Offense, knock-off the coughing, dancing, singing and twerking! First warning.”

  11. Marco — I temporarily forgot about Fauci’s love letters to that hag! Gag!!!

    What’s Trump got in mind with this clown, anyway, do you think?

    Fauci’s track record is 0 for at least 4 or 5. Trump doesn’t like losers, so why is he continuing to let this one influence our national economy and practice social engineering like his fruit flies in a lab?

  12. …look, this one is actually pretty EASY. Just have EVERY team in EVERY time zone start at the same UTC time, and have them complete suiting up by taping them into tightly sealed bags with BLM written all over them.

    The bags are NOT allowed to come OFF during the game or they are IMMEDIATELY sent to COVID jail,the ONLY crime they still KEEP you for.

    Let them play a couple of downs.

    The problem will sort itself out in about 4 minutes…

  13. Jimmy JUNE 18, 2020 AT 5:40 PM
    “Oh, great. Now the NFL players can join the riots.”

    …nah, they’ll be too busy defending their high-dollar Hollywood houses FROM them…

  14. Super Rick JUNE 18, 2020 AT 5:31 PM
    “Only one post my sns? This thread is not official until he’s bestowed his wisdom at least four times. Then we’ll all know what to think.”

    …no one’s making you read anything, so if you don’t like, you’re free to not look…

  15. Look up this little commie dwarf’s net worth – 10 Million Dollars! He has worked in HHS all his career so how in hell did this shitbag amass so much wealth on a gubmint salary?

    Too bad there are no longer any real investigative reporters left.

  16. Abigail Adams: Dr. Swampy Deep State, the country’s worst predictor of the deadliness of every infectious disease in the last forty years, has completely disappeared from the White House briefings. He’s got a great career as a commentator on anti-Trump television channels, but he’s definitely been rusticated from Trump’s White House. I see him writing a tell all memoir about how he tried to save the country, but was thwarted by his inferiors. He he doesn’t announce his support for Dementia Joe, I’ll be surprised.

  17. Rick JUNE 18, 2020 AT 5:43 PM
    “Finally, sns solved the problem in only two posts. But the thread is still young.”

    …normally I don’t joust with trolls, but you’ve been here awhile if you’re who you appear to be, so I’m genuinely curious: Why so pissy with me all the sudden?

  18. To all unemployed NFL players thinking that looting and BLM BS riots would be great sport,
    just know that many of us have stockpiles of ammo that will drop an elk.

  19. If Fauxi forces the players to wear masks inside their helmets maybe I won’t have to watch them spinning their mouthguards around their mouths like some drooling mule champing at the bit.

  20. The ONLY thing I care about the NFL is that the 49ers win another Super Bowl. My Manderin boy deserves it. As a dad, it’s painful to watch him see his favorite team come so close last season.

    BTW. He thinks Colon Craponadick is a loser.

  21. I don’t care a whit about the NFL. The real crime here is that Benito declared all football, including high school and college, unadvisable. Pretty much all sports, for that matter.

    Trump needs to jettison him from the public stage. Benito, with his upraised chin, maintains his stiffy by dictating behavior upon the people. His success only emboldens him.

  22. Half the time nfl looks like a riot, the other half looks like a protest.

    So if its ok to do that, then let em play. If covid is real they’ll all be dead by superbowl

  23. Fauci cannot tell anyone they can play a sport or not.
    Trump won’t say a word. The point is, NFL is worried. And I don’t care.

    When the corona hysteria goes away, and it will, Fauci will exit. Even if Trump has to push him off stage. I don’t think he wants to get rid of him right now because he has rallies to attend and he doesn’t need midget face to get pissed off and, ‘ohhh I dunno’ every time he does one.

    Anyway, the funniest part of this is that Trump said IF krapperneck has the skills he should play in the NFL. Someone should hire him. You know, IF he has the skills.
    LOL! Troll?
    Maybe. Because the left will say, ‘if Trump thinks it’s a good idea, WE don’t think it’s a good idea.”

    And then Fauci comes out with ‘ohhh I don’t know if the NFL season is a good idea..” lolol

    Look, NFL lost fans even without krapperneck.
    What do you think will happen if they put him back on a team? Just because. And not because he has the skill?
    None of the details matter because, NFL will lose in any situation.
    Makes me laugh

  24. Forgot to add- If anyone is going to stop the NFL from playing, it will be the governors or mayors of each state.
    Sooo much pressure!!!!! lol.

    AND- If the dem politicians who run the state allow the NFL to play, then ALL bidnesses should be allowed to open as usual.
    Can you imagine Cuomo saying the NFL can play in NY but a mall can’t open? Weddings can’t proceed? Funerals? Tennis? Out door TV production?

  25. Fauci didn’t get the message. NFL football is now a protest movement against white people and so is exempt from all the rules white people have to follow.

    Fauci will soon learn.

  26. 7 comments, one thread, almost a record sns. We get it, you’re super smart. A body can’t help but stumble over a half dozen posts per thread from you. I’m quite sure you haven’t peaked yet. And you call me a troll?

  27. Super Rick
    JUNE 18, 2020 AT 7:17 PM

    …sorry, I enjoy posting and this is the only way I can have a little back and forth with the community. And I’m often wrong and I learn things here from a wide variety of smart people with greater life experience thsn me which I wouldn’t otherwise, and I appreciate it. Wasn’t trying to give offense.

    I’ll be back at work next week so the problem will be self-limiting then, if it helps. I respect you and enjoy your comments, so I’ll bow out here and try to post less until then. Thanks for the heads-up.

    God bless,

  28. SNS – I agree with what TRF stated and you were the first person who ever responded to something I said, that meant a lot to me, being new to this site. Like MJA said, don’t bow out.

  29. Sns. No worries. I can get a bit verbose at times. It happens.

    Going back to Fauci, I’m thinking we should call him “Karen”. No offense to the good Karens. I’m talking about the finger wagging, scolding liberals that stick their nose in everybody’s business.

    Karen Fauci.

  30. …I just meant out of this thread, c’mon, I’m more of a glutton for punishment than that, but thanks and NOW I’ll shut up (and serpentine away so the Ospreys can’t find me, @AB)….

  31. All I can say is that I have never raged on and on in this free forum about something that pisses me off.

    Never happened.

    Not once.

    I defy anyone to show evidence of such behavior.

    Well. There was that Mueller exoneration of Hillary and her criminal destruction of evidence. And that time when adam Schiff made up testimony.

    We all blow up here. That’s the beauty of the place.
    Truth lives here.

  32. If the NFL and NBA ceased to exist tomorrow I wouldn’t notice or care. Wonder how long it’ll take the unemployed black athletes to whine about the virus being ‘racist’.

  33. SNS, you know how I feel. So, I’ll tell the rest of ya. I love to read his comments. Long winded? So what? I can’t tell you how many times I’ve enjoyed his stories. He has been informative, funny, insightful and honest. Remember when he talked about his son being in the hospital? Ripped my heart out to hear that he almost lost him but for his experience and God’s grace.

    I don’t want to discourage anyone from writing what moves them, ranting when needed and giving the rest of us reasons to keep coming back here.

    God bless you, Supernightshade. God bless us all.

  34. PDJT will make Brad Pitt…er, I mean, Hillary-lovin’ Dr. Fauci and the Democrats responsible for the failure of everything due the scamdemic…imho.


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