Fauci to speak at festival alongside Hillary Clinton, Stacey Abrams, Black Lives Matter founder – IOTW Report

Fauci to speak at festival alongside Hillary Clinton, Stacey Abrams, Black Lives Matter founder


White House coronavirus adviser and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci will speak at a virtual festival this year alongside numerous Democratic and progressive figureheads, including Hillary Clinton. 

The Atlantic Festival, an event that promises to “bring brave thinking and bold ideas to life with four days of can’t-miss conversations, evening headliners, and more,” will feature a marquee lineup of numerous liberal luminaries, which aside from Clinton include former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, Black Lives Matter founder Alicia Garza and television host Samantha Bee. 

It is unclear what topics Fauci will discuss at the event, though he has received top billing on both the event’s page and in the Atlantic’s announcement of the festival. more

28 Comments on Fauci to speak at festival alongside Hillary Clinton, Stacey Abrams, Black Lives Matter founder

  1. I Hope someone sends Trump a pair steel toe construction boots from Keen Safety so that he does not hurt his foot when he kicks this little asshole out the front door of The White House.

    Preferably without opening the doors first.

  2. Dr. Swampy Deep State Falsie love, loves President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton. It also appears that he’s hoping to push President Trump into firing him before the election. Ignore the bastard until then, or he will write a memoir slagging
    President Trump.

  3. @Jerry Manderin – Correct and more people need to understand this!

    I wonder if they will be wearing their masks, THE ENTIRE time of their little Socialistic distancing festivus.

  4. F—ker gets the polyps burned off his vocal cords and now he’s running his goddam motormouth like a coked-up Obama. I hope he overdoes it and has to STFU for six months. Trump is going to find a way to knock the wind out of that little goblin before this is all over.

  5. Good! Maybe during the event Abrams will accidentally sit on his face and crush him while he’s sniffing or Hilary will become jealous of his attention to Abrams’ and other luminaries’ asses and have him killed. Gotta have some hope in these parlous times…

  6. …so, does that mean horny, road-dog hotel room sex between Falsi and his love letter lady Hillary?


    …imagine the poor, untipped maid that has to clean up after THAT toungeathon? And I’m pretty sure the tools Fauxi’s gonna have to use to yodel in THAT wide-ass canyon in place of his withered slipstick are gonna keep the neighbors up all night, not to mention the elephant stomping those massive candles are gonna be doing on that thin-ass hotel room carpeting…

  7. Who was head of the White House infectious disease advisory board that oversaw the utter depletion of the PPE, ventilators, etc. under the previous administration … Anthony Fauci (the weasel).


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