Fauci: U.S. Has ‘Independent Spirit’ But It’s ‘Time To Do What You’re Told’ To Stop Pandemic – IOTW Report

Fauci: U.S. Has ‘Independent Spirit’ But It’s ‘Time To Do What You’re Told’ To Stop Pandemic

DailyWire: Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, warned on Thursday that while the United States has an “independent spirit,” it was time for people to “do what they’re told” by health experts and government officials to help bring down surging coronavirus numbers.

“I was talking with my U.K. colleagues who are saying the U.K. is similar to where we are now, because each of our countries have that independent spirit,” Fauci said while speaking at Washington National Cathedral. “I can understand that, but now is the time to do what you’re told.”

Fauci dismissed the notion that scientists are “authoritarian,” saying that it’s unfortunate that science has become “lumped into politics.” more

39 Comments on Fauci: U.S. Has ‘Independent Spirit’ But It’s ‘Time To Do What You’re Told’ To Stop Pandemic

  1. Dr. Fauci…
    Go fock yourself.
    Do what you are told immediately,
    That will be as effective as a face mask to stop Covid,
    This is all bullshit you are shoveling!
    CDC is Communists Disseminating Crap.

  2. There’s this little problem.

    Americans do not do what we’re told. It goes against our very nature. Our sense of the individual as sovereign.

    A few weeks back I found myself in a little town in Nevada. In a casino at 0530. By myself. I ordered a cup of coffee which was delivered then the server disappeared. There was nobody within 150 feet of me. Until a security guard came up to me to tell me that I must wear my mask while drinking coffee.

    This is no longer about public health. It’s about dominance and submission. Notice that blue states are cranking up the dominance now that they believe they have won.

    Please. Very gently. Go take your ridiculous mandates and place them in your dark and remote orifices and leave me alone.

    How about I quit my job and starve you of tax revenue?
    What if we all went to an underground barter economy where no taxes are collected and paid? All transactions are off the grid.

    We’re getting there.

    Do not push us. We can push back with greater force.

  3. Just as we suspected, our highly paid federal government and state level health departments haven’t got a clue on tackling covid-19. They’re just marking time waiting for a private pharmaceutical company to find a fix. All they got are taxpayer’s dollars and tail chasing 101 “Trump can’t fix it, but Biden can.”

  4. In the last two Months…I’ve driven from the Florida keys to Atlantic Beach NC

    twice…I touched every Gas Pump…Every Toilet handle…every ATM …Shook

    Hands with every racing Team (65) Took a Million pics…Went to 6 Restaurants

    …came back to My Home and worked with at least 100 People on Commercial

    Construction Sites…I haven’t washed My hands any more than normal(when You

    actually Pee on Them) I’m 57…..I should be dead…Not even sick

  5. C’mon, man! We have to come up with something better for Fauci than “go fuck yourself.”

    How about, “go fuck yourself SIDEWAYS?”

    Or better, “Shove it up your ass and blow your head off.”

    (See, his little head would be up his big ass at that point. Except the head wouldn’t be blown “clean off,” because of, well, because it would be more of a “blow out.” Nothin’ clean about that. Okay, I can see I’ll have to work on this a bit…)

  6. Because I said so. That’s why. Don’t make me stop the car! Er, I meant, don’t make me stop normal life, again.

    Justice Alito is right. About the dangers of authority being given to unelected bureaucrats (nitwits), and accepting it from them as legitimate. We’ve had enough of it. Too much of it.

  7. ‘unfortunate that science has become “lumped into politics.”’ says the one person who made sure his politics were mistaken for science. He’s contradicted himself so many times, even HE shouldn’t believe a thing he says. He’s a major reason we’re waiting to see if the D’s have managed to steal the election. There’s no way in hell you’ll convince me he hasn’t been taking orders from them.

  8. Okay, I finally got one:

    Fauci, go inject yourself…

    …with 50 cc’s of SARS-Cov-2.

    Then go take your unproven vaccine and get back to me.

    (Oh, hell. He’ll probably just get a sniffle and laugh. Back to the drawing board… WAIT! I know! FIRE THE BASTARD! Fauci, you’re fired! (Trump voice.))

  9. I seem to remember that we fought a revolution when a certain English King named King George the 3rd told the American colonists that they had too much of an independent spirit and it was time for us to do what we were told to by his Majesty’s government in government in 1775 or else. We may (we will have to) have come to a time like that once again where we have to fight for our freedom and independence from government tyranny or else lose everything that our founding fathers established for us in the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. I for one am not willing to be told what I can and can not do by an out of control tyrannical government, and neither will 70 million plus good American people who legitimately voted for President Trump on November 3rd. It’s time to live free or die. Our lives, liberty and sacred honor depend upon it just like it did for our brave, courageous founding fathers who stood up to the King George the 3rd and the English and told them to go to Hell.

  10. It was a beautiful Spring day. My wife and I were walking on a nearly deserted campus of a nearby University. We passed a few others out strolling, enjoying the quiet day. At one point we stopped a bench on the University Grove. A few minutes later a security cop pulled tup on her golf cart. She was very polite when she told us that we could not sit on the bench. We could walk anywhere but we could not stop and sit. Those were the rules.

  11. I think Dr Fuckery is correct. After all, he told us that rioting was acceptable during a lockdown. So we should do what we were told. In the words of Inspector Kemp (Young Frankenstein); “A riot is an ungly thing… undt, I tink, that it is chust about time ve had vun”. And the riot should start at Dr Fuckery’s house.


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