Fauci’s entire dishonest house of cards just collapsed – IOTW Report

Fauci’s entire dishonest house of cards just collapsed

American Thinker

By Andrea Widburg

Perhaps, at long last, the deadly reign of Anthony Fauci will come to an end. That’s because The Intercept, a hard-left publication, has revealed 900 pages of government documents definitively proving that Fauci used his position to fund gain-of-function research into bat viruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (“WIV”)—and then lied to Congress about it.

Since February 2020, the wizened Fauci has been the face of the government’s response to the pandemic. In the ensuing 20 months, Fauci was frequently wrong, incredibly arrogant, and deeply dishonest. Because he was the anti-Trump, though, we were stuck with him. Democrats, especially, appreciated how he dismissed treating COVID with time-tested and affordable medicines such as Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin and, instead, insisted on masks, lockdowns, and mandated vaccines.

In July, during a Senate Health Committee hearing, Sen. Rand Paul (R. KY) directly accused Fauci of using his position to fund illegal gain-of-function research at the WIV. The Hill, which reported on the hearing, assured its readers that Paul was making “an unsubstantiated accusation.”

Fauci came out swinging in response to Sen. Paul’s accusation. “Senator Paul,” he said, “you do not know what you are talking about.” He also said, “If anybody is lying here, Senator, it is you.”

You really need to watch this and, as you listen to Fauci, remember that money is fungible and that insights gained from one area of research can easily be applied to another. Fauci’s gift of American funds made the WIV richer and better able to create Frankenstein viruses: read more

17 Comments on Fauci’s entire dishonest house of cards just collapsed

  1. Not only does he get no consequences, but we will be getting federal vaccine mandates because he was caught red-handed.

    If you come for the goblin king, you’d best not miss. And in a two-tiered justice system, you’ll always miss. Not only that, the ricochet hits you. He’s stronger than ever now.

  2. Imagine if we had a truly competent Director instead of an incompetent bureaucrat.
    – Someone who directed trials for different therapies to determine best results.
    – Someone who directed the CDC to monitor the performance of different responses such as masks vs no masks, masks for children or not, etc.
    A competent director COULD have reduced the overall impact of the virus on the United States, and we would all have a fairly straightforward treatment plan that the medical community can use.

  3. Again…

    Arrest Fauci. Charge him with Crimes Against Humanity. Assemble a Nuremburg style Military Tribunal. Try him. Find him guilty. Sentence him to death by hanging. Bury remains in an unmarked grave.

  4. Fauci knew he was either going to be the fall guy, or he’s just plain ignorant and over his head. Money is such a driving factor to why people lie, cheat and murder. He’s a sociopath.

    What is a Sociopath?

    People often confuse the terms sociopath and psychopath and use them interchangeably. They aren’t different in the clinical sense. Both terms refer to people who have antisocial personality disorder (ASPD). Those with ASPD have no regard for others’ rights or feelings, lack empathy and remorse for wrongdoings, and have the need to exploit and manipulate others for personal gain.


    I think it describes Fauci Flu accurately. Either he’ll suicide himself, or face the music. I think he’s a coward, he’ll face the music. If he makes it through trial, Biden will pardon him, and Fauci will go home and enjoy afternoon naps. He won’t have to flee to S. America like Dr. Mengele aka Angel of Death did. I think about all the elderly people who died and their families weren’t allowed to see them. Or the babies that died nursing from their babies after getting the jab. So many innocent lives gone and at the hands of Fauci and the Chicoms. Unforgivable.

  5. Or the babies that died nursing from their babies after getting the jab. So many innocent lives gone and at the hands of Fauci and the Chicoms. Unforgivable.

    Crap! Got that sentence wrong!!! Should read:

    Or the babies that died nursing from their mothers after getting the jab. So many innocent lives gone and at the hands of Fauci and the Chicoms. Unforgivable.

    (spell checked wouldn’t have fixed it anyways) 🙂

  6. “It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong.”

    ― Thomas Sowell


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