Fauci’s Former NIH Official Wants Senator Hawley “Skinned Alive” – IOTW Report

Fauci’s Former NIH Official Wants Senator Hawley “Skinned Alive”


Amid a vast purging on social and visual media sites of conservatives for wrong-think, these apps and websites remain continually silent about the constant bombardment of inciteful, hateful, vitriolic language used by leftists and establishment politicians on a daily basis.

In one of the latest examples by a prominent establishment public official, the former Senior Policy Analyst for the NIH tweeted:

Once again for the morning crowd: Hawley deserves to be skinned alive and rolled in salt. https://t.co/zrQG8oNCaA

— Jonathan Gitlin (@drgitlin) January 7, 2021


22 Comments on Fauci’s Former NIH Official Wants Senator Hawley “Skinned Alive”

  1. If anyone EVER thought this was about stopping “violent and hateful” speech, they are idiots. Everyone on the left knows what it’s about and are proud of it. (Whatever happened to all of those “Hate doesn’t live here” signs?)

  2. Sounds like this guy from NIH is getting his marching orders from terrorists. 🤨 Isn’t that the kind of torture they use on people who don’t agree with them? 🤔

  3. They have (allegedly) taken the White House and both chambers of Congress….and they are not happy; they are imploding before the eyes of the nation.

    Extermination of anyone who does not abide in Leftist Orthodoxy
    Engineering the next Holocaust by “Marking” people for cancellation

    We knew it was coming decades ago – “Tyranny in America will come from the Left, not the Right.”

    It’s here now. This is what it looks like. Be glad that they are showing you who they really are. They will drive millions more to our side.

  4. They’re overplaying their hand. At some point all the heat will be directed back at them.
    When you keep poking a dangerous animal it usually doesn’t end well.


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