Fauci’s latest faux pas – IOTW Report

Fauci’s latest faux pas

American Thinker:

Dr. Anthony Fauci recently made a bold declaration against “the sea of lies we are living in” — and then lied about the science of COVID-19 and vaccine protection.  Not just a little lie: a massive misstatement of well-established scientific fact. Now he has proclaimed that the COVID vaccine will protect Americans to the same degree as the measles shot:

A virus cannot mutate unless it is replicating, and if you allow the virus to freely replicate chronically in society it will mutate… If we can get the overwhelming proportion of the people vaccinated, as a nation …we will do very, very well.Just the same way as we’re all protected from measles because the level of protection in measles is very, very good in this country. It’s 90-some-odd percent.

Is he attempting here to suggest that experimental MRNA COVID-19 vaccines are as innocuous as the measles vaccine?  He doesn’t say this, but by linking these completely different pathogens he is inviting false comfort.  The two diseases differ tremendously: measles cannot mutate into new strains; COVID-19 most certainly can. Indeed, Dr. Fauci claims urgency in vaccinations to prevent exactly that: MORE

15 Comments on Fauci’s latest faux pas

  1. If they ever reach 100% vaccinations for every human on earth, they will still not have attained the ability to stop the virus from mutating. Early on, they found animals infected and dying of the Xi virus. I anticipate some species annihilation to be proposed — and no more pets.

  2. Sounds logical to me. If the virus has less places to go, then it’s less likely that mutation will occur. Just basic math and probably. Problem is that, even if unvaxxwd get vaxxed in the US, there’s a big world out there they may not see vaccines for a few years. We will be churning through covid for some time yet. Just glad that more are getting vaxxed and taking this thing seriously.

  3. I would call him a big liar, but that wouldn’t be true, he’s a little runt. I’d call him a little liar, but that wouldn’t work because he tells big lies.

    Instead I’ll call him a colossally lying midget.


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