Fauxcahontas Claims She ‘Never Got Any Benefit’ from Ancestry Boasts, But… – IOTW Report

Fauxcahontas Claims She ‘Never Got Any Benefit’ from Ancestry Boasts, But…

Big Government-

[…] The current controversy stems from President Donald Trump referring to Warren as “Pocahontas” during an Oval Office ceremony honoring Navajo code talkers on Monday. Warren quickly denounced the remarks as “racist” and issued a fundraising appeal asking for supporters to stand up to the “bully” president attempting to “silence” her.

Despite the fundraising letter’s claim that Warren never received any benefit because of her past boasts of Cherokee heritage, Harvard clearly went out of its way to tout her alleged background.

A 2012 report by Hillary Chabot of the Boston Herald noted boasts by Harvard of Warren’s alleged Native American lineage.

“Although the conventional wisdom among students and faculty is that the law school faculty includes no minority women, [then Harvard Law spokesman Mike] Chmura said professor of law Elizabeth Warren is Native American,” the Harvard Crimson reported in 1996. The Herald also pointed to the student newspaper’s claim two years later that Warren became “the first woman with a minority background to be tenured.”

Even publications sympathetic with Warren’s political aims doubted her ethnicity claims. The Atlantic, for instance, noted in 2012.

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22 Comments on Fauxcahontas Claims She ‘Never Got Any Benefit’ from Ancestry Boasts, But…

  1. Bullshit. Warren got heap big political cred among progressives with her claims, and that’s a benefit that separated her from other liberal politician wannabees – particularly since the woman thing is becoming commonplace. (At least in the Republican party, of all places.) Instead of having one trump card, Warren now has two.

    Anyone who has ever worked in or with a human resources department knows that people like Warren, assuming they can breathe and perform at least one other task competently, are valuable because they tick off two boxes instead of one. Of course, HR folks cannot admit that they take these factors into account, but they all know everyone does this and they don’t want to get sued by necessarily hiring the best candidate if that candidate is a white male. The only thing better is if Lizzie was a female, a native American, and had some sort of disability – bingo, three boxes ticked.

  2. Agreed Wyatt, I had a Puerto-Rican girlfriend who was a CAD professional.
    She had a job guaranteed.
    She was good at what she did so it was a trifecta for any company that hired her.

    The only downside was all the actual harassment she dealt with in the male dominated field.

  3. “I’m 1/32 Cherokee!”
    It looks like schools listed you as either “Woman of Color” or “Native American.”
    “That’s strange. Where would they ever get THAT idea?”

  4. Money, money, money, money, money. It’s about the money.

    Schumer, Warren, English, the D party — all of them — will fight to the death to keep their fraud under wraps. It’ll all come out and we’re going to see more “retirements”. You can run, you thieves, but you can’t hide forever.

  5. All of the real Indians I know are registered with the Bureau of Indian Affairs and have the card to prove it. Enough with the “undocumented Indians”. Real Indians laugh at spurious claims of Indian ancestry and the fabled “Indian Princess” great-great-great- grandmother.

  6. 🚨 Lists herself as a minority 🚨

    “They hired me b/c I was good at my job!”

    –Ah, no. The racial bean-counting left wing has never been interested in MERIT. There’s only ONE reason to be listed professionally as “Native American.”

  7. Over the next few months some research needs to be done (I confess I’m not sure how to go about doing it without breaking into files) at every job that Warren took that had noted her “Native American” ancestry. Then look for any Black American, Native American, Woman, Lesbian or any other affirmative action eligible group to see if any individuals from them applied for the position and was turned down because it had been filled. Then contact those people to see if they were a little pissed that they never really had a shot at the job because Warren lied about her ancestry. Then release that to the net press.

  8. I didn’t watch the whole thing, but I never heard President Trump mention Sen. Warren.

    Reminds me of when Sen. JC Watts used the term “Race Hustling Poverty Pimps” and Jesse Jackson took offense – Watts never mentioned Jackson!

    izlamo delenda est …

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