Fauxcahontas to endorse Hillary, sources say – IOTW Report

Fauxcahontas to endorse Hillary, sources say

Reuters: Senator Elizabeth Warren will soon endorse presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and, while not currently interested in serving as her running mate, has not ruled it out, several sources close to Warren told Reuters.

Advisers to Warren, a fiery critic of Wall Street and a popular figure among progressive Democrats, have been in close contact with Clinton’s campaign team and the conversations have increased in frequency in recent weeks, the sources said.

Warren, 66, represents her home state of Massachusetts in the U.S. Senate. The sources said that foremost in her thinking is how best to help the Democratic Party defeat the presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump in the Nov. 8 presidential election and advance issues such as income inequality which top Warren’s agenda.  MORE

3 Comments on Fauxcahontas to endorse Hillary, sources say

  1. “Income inequality”? You make HOW many hundreds of thousands of dollars per year, teaching a few classes, privileged by “affirmative action” hiring practices?
    Gotta “equalize” that income, right? I earn less then you, right? So, where’s my check for a fair share of YOUR income, bitch?

    I figure a few checks, every month, from even 10% of those rich fat cat DildoCrats, I can afford to retire soon.

  2. “warren, a fiery critic”
    fire like “burn at the stake” fire?
    she heap big wampum butt.
    can the beast trust her to keep her word?
    warren may be an “indian giver”!!!!
    will warren be in charge of covering the beasts fat ass with “Tee Pee’s”?

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