FAM: Already, the $15 minimum wage is too little for far left nut jobs like Fauxcahontas Elizabeth Warren. She wants the minimum wage for burger flippers to be set to $22 per hour, not $15 which progressives have been whining about for years now. Warren would be an asolute perfect pick by Hillary Clinton as a running mate because of her lies and flat out hypocrisy. Guess how much Warren pays her interns? ZERO!   more here


  1. We have gun range with a rapid fire shooting pit, but they have strict guidelines about what you can place to shoot at. No metals, glass, etc.

    At a dirty hay wagon auction, I found a box full of naked Barbies and plastic figurines. I thought, perfect for the pit.

    My daughter sees them and I told her to leave my targets alone. She’s intrigued, you’re going to shoot these, she says. Then she pulls out a Pocahontas doll and says, this one is ugly.

    Put my Elizabeth Warren target down!

  2. $22 is reasonable, but $50 would be better.
    $100 would be EVEN more better!

    To a socialist, money isn’t real. Money has no place in socialist society.
    “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.”
    Money plays NO part in this phantasmagorical foolishness.
    Fauxcahontas has stolen and extorted so much, that hourly wages mean nothing to her.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Just look at those eyes. Madness lurks in the dark cavern behind them. Loco-haunt-us will keep looking for things to keep her insignificant, mental case, zero personality in the limelight.

    My contempt for this parody of a person has no bounds. Shameless, solipsist, hypocrite, pirate posing as a Senator.

  4. Every single thing about her is repellent
    She projects a stridency that borders on the unhinged
    Not a good attribute for one in Governance
    Sam, good application of the word Solipsist, very fitting

  5. I’m beginning to think that this woman is more then a little crazy in that she will do anything, promise anything to get her hands on real power. If she was just a limo liberal then she’d stay secure in her Harvard office using it to grab heavy weight clients in order to get the really big paychecks and live large. Nope she, like Clinton, wants pure power the type that can dictate how the minions live. And don’t kid yourself, after achieving that power the rest of us (including Democrats) will become minions. Two seriously crazy bitches with the power to change America for decades if not forever is a waking nightmare.

  6. Don’t you know that rules…..are for the little people…..

    Our ruling elite don’t follow “our” rules anyway…..

    they exempt themselves from the law.

  7. When I was little my dad always said- we do not discuss politics or religion at the table– well he’s been gone now for 30 plus years so I can now say–what a stupid bitch… have a good day 🙂

  8. She ain’t stupid.
    She’s a cold, calculating, thieving, lying, perfidious, greedy socialist fellow-traveller who grifts and steals and makes deals with Wall St. to sell out her country, her state, and her civilization. She has enriched herself through corruption, extortion, and thievery. Don’t let the blue-eyed, blond-haired, Cherokee fool ya!

    izlamo delenda est …

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