FBI admits GOP baseball shooting was domestic terrorism after previously deeming it ‘suicide by cop’ – IOTW Report

FBI admits GOP baseball shooting was domestic terrorism after previously deeming it ‘suicide by cop’


The FBI has “quietly” admitted that the 2017 shooting by a far-left radical who tried to murder several GOP members of Congress at a baseball field was, indeed, domestic terrorism, The Washington Examiner reported.

Last month, current FBI chief Christopher Wray was confronted by Republican lawmakers over the agency classifying the shooting as “suicide by cop” under a previous director.

The Examiner found in an FBI-DHS report released Friday detailing 85 “FBI-Designated Significant Domestic Terrorism Incidents in the United States from 2015 through 2019” classified the shooting at an Alexandria, Va., baseball field by a supporter of former Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) as “domestic violent extremism.” read more

6 Comments on FBI admits GOP baseball shooting was domestic terrorism after previously deeming it ‘suicide by cop’

  1. Did the Fedl Gummint ever reclassify the Ft Hood jihadi rampage by that Filthy Mohammedan Savage who was a US Army shrink doctor?

    Obola Admin called it workplace violence.


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