FBI Agent After Interviewing Clinton’s IT Staffer: ‘He Lied His Ass Off’ – IOTW Report

FBI Agent After Interviewing Clinton’s IT Staffer: ‘He Lied His Ass Off’

Breitbart: The Justice Department inspector general report released Thursday revealed more personal messages between FBI agents working on the Clinton email probe that suggest a cooked outcome.

The report released new messages from an FBI agent who was one of four case officers handling the “day-to-day” activities of the investigation, and  one of two FBI agents who interviewed Clinton.

In one exchange in February 2016, the FBI agent, identified only as “Agent 1,” talked to another FBI employee about interviewing Hillary Clinton’s personal IT staffer. The FBI employee asked how the interview went.

Agent 1 replied: “Awesome. Lied his ass off.”

He continued: “Went from never inside the scif [sensitive compartmented information facility] at [Clinton’s residence], to looked in when it was being constructed, to remove the trash twice, to troubleshot the secure fax with HRC a couple times, to everytime there was a secure fax i did it with HRC. Ridic,”

Lying to investigators is a federal crime, one that former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn is being charged with, as well as former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos. However, the FBI employee joked it “would be funny” if the guy was charged.

The FBI employee replied: “would be funny if he was the only guy charged in this deal.”

Agent 1 responded that even though he lied, “aint noone gonna do s–t.”  MORE HERE

7 Comments on FBI Agent After Interviewing Clinton’s IT Staffer: ‘He Lied His Ass Off’

  1. “Agent 1 responded that even though he lied, ‘aint noone gonna do s–t.’”

    And they wonder why people are getting pissed off. “But Donald Trump jaywalked when he was 14. We need to impeach him.”

  2. Here is where I believe Trump’s FIVE RULES should come into play:
    1. Act, Don’t React
    Start nailing these lower level guys with HUGE indictments.
    2. Try Everything
    Like MJA says^^^ – do stuff in the President’s legal power to keep them off guard.
    3. Chaos is Power
    Use social media and rallies to release tidbits to the public, and avoid the lamestream media, while tossing them distractions that lead to dead-ends.
    4. Never Show Your Hand
    Keep the “Trump” card hidden. Don’t reveal anything that suggests that you are ready to pounce on the big guys yet. Let them stew, and probably make BIG mistakes.
    5. Don’t be Afraid to be the Bad Guy
    The good citizens of the USA are ready for a badass. That is why he is President.


  3. @MJA:

    Close the FBI for 3 days, but don’t tell anyone why. Just keep doing weird shit just to gas light them. lol

    I really LOVE that idea! Or instead of keeping mum on the reason why, let it be known all FBI personnel are attending mandatory whistle-blower sensitivity training, or team-building exercises at Lego-Land, or maybe yoga with goats.


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