FBI Agent in Whitmer Plot Attempted to Spy On Steven Crowder – IOTW Report

FBI Agent in Whitmer Plot Attempted to Spy On Steven Crowder

It appears Jayson Chambers, one of the key FBI Agents involved in the entrapment effort, did just that. Why?

American Greatness-
Julie Kelly

In 2017, Steven Crowder, a conservative activist and host of a popular YouTube channel, infiltrated Antifa with his producer.

Weeks before a speaking engagement by Ben Shapiro at the University of Utah—an event Antifa planned to disrupt violently—Crowder worked his way into the group through the use of burner phones and encrypted chats. Crowder secretly recorded discussions between Antifa thugs promising to use “plain clothes and hard tactics” to shut down Shapiro’s speech on September 28, 2017. This included distributing weapons such as ice picks, combat knives, and guns.

Despite a heavy law enforcement presence for Shapiro’s speech, pockets of violence did erupt as Antifa confronted police and Shapiro supporters outside the venue, resulting in the arrest of a handful of rabble-rousers. Crowder then posted a video account of his undercover operation and noted a collective lack of interest by major news organizations in Antifa’s violent pre-planning efforts.

An FBI agent, however, appeared to want more information from Crowder about Antifa’s behind-the-scenes work. It’s unclear how Crowder contacted this particular FBI agent shortly after the Shapiro protest but he described the encounter on Megyn Kelly’s podcast last week: “We got on the phone with a guy at the FBI and he asked ‘how did you get involved, how did you get on this Antifa app?’” Crowder told Kelly about the initial call, wondering aloud why the FBI didn’t know how to access the encrypted chat. The FBI, Crowder said, didn’t express any interest in capturing the perpetrators, which Crowder found “odd.” more

6 Comments on FBI Agent in Whitmer Plot Attempted to Spy On Steven Crowder

  1. If stopped by or questioned by an FBI agent SAY NOTHIN. Get a lawyer immediately. None of them can be trusted and they are all part of the deep state. So smug in their view that they are the ones protecting America.

    These agents (FBI) have no honor or desire to protect the American right, only leftest are given that consideration. If there is a true American in the ranks they need to speak up and now about what is really going on in the bureau. Or they too are guilty of treason.

  2. MICKY

    It was GWB putting the Stalinist Mueller in charge 21 years ago!

    Another “Bush Republican” put in charge of
    FBI started the change from protecting working Americans to protecting liberals was Freeh! Think Whitey B; a big UNIPARTY supporter; in turn protected by


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