FBI Announces ‘Iranian Hackers’ Sent Stolen Information from Trump’s Campaign Directly to People Associated With Joe Biden’s Campaign – IOTW Report

FBI Announces ‘Iranian Hackers’ Sent Stolen Information from Trump’s Campaign Directly to People Associated With Joe Biden’s Campaign

Bombshell news just broke revealing how Iran is directly interfering in the election to stop President Trump from coming back into office.

As The Associated Press reported, the FBI has uncovered evidence that Iranian hackers sent the Biden campaign what they called “unsolicited” information stolen from Trump’s campaign. It is unclear whether, at this point, Biden’s campaign utilized the stolen information against Trump.

The emails were sent in late June and early July just weeks before Biden was forced out of the race as part of a Democrat coup.

The outlet went on to say this is the latest effort to reveal efforts regarding Iran’s efforts to interfere in the 2024 election. more

19 Comments on FBI Announces ‘Iranian Hackers’ Sent Stolen Information from Trump’s Campaign Directly to People Associated With Joe Biden’s Campaign

  1. Isn’t it weird how CrowdStrike shut down global commerce a few month’s back due to a “mistake”, and yet they’re still in business, no one has sued them, and they’re still on every government server? Gosh, it’s almost as if they were powerful enough to keep customers in place even after they screwed them to the tune of billions of dollars.

  2. @MrLiberty — The thing to keep in mind about FBI¹ announcements is that they do not care whether or not what they’re saying is true. They care only about whether or not it furthers their interests.

    1. Applicable to all other govt information disseminations, as well.

  3. My question is; why even admit to this at all? This is some deep level psyops going on to rat out “Iran” (or the CIA) doing something against Trump. Why would they want to benefit Trump at all?

    Maybe I just don’t understand the machinations of pure evil. I’m glad I don’t, but I do smell dead fish, you know … something is wrong.

  4. Same sh!t, new day.
    Liars be lying.

    10 Pathological Liar Signs
    1. Embellishing lies with extensive details
    2. Telling dramatic and highly unlikely stories
    3. Appearing anxious while talking
    4. Getting defensive when confronted about a lie
    5. Constantly changing their story or being vague when questioned
    6. Lying about something even when there’s no reason to
    7. Seeming unconcerned with being caught in a lie
    8. Feeling a “high” when they get away with lying
    9. Passing off a story someone else told as their own
    10.Acting in ways that don’t match their words



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