FBI arrests [Alleged] LEFT-wing Antifa Leader for Inciting Riot in Capitol Siege – IOTW Report

FBI arrests [Alleged] LEFT-wing Antifa Leader for Inciting Riot in Capitol Siege

Geller Report: Watch the Democrats spring into action to defend this lowlife …..

“We about to burn this shit down,” “we got to rip Trump out of office . . . fucking pull him out of that shit . . . we ain’t waiting until the next election . . . we about to go get that motherfucker.” SULLIVAN then can be seen leading the crowd in a chant of, “it’s time for a revolution.” more

19 Comments on FBI arrests [Alleged] LEFT-wing Antifa Leader for Inciting Riot in Capitol Siege

  1. MJA, I saw somebody say that in a comment elsewhere. Also made the claim that the two brotherscome from a sEvErELy cOnSeRvAtiVe MiLiTaRy FaMiLy, so I expect that’s where the narrative is going.

  2. A Houston cop with no disciplinary record to speak of decided that going to DC and breaking into the capital building was a good idea. Now he lost his job and will probably face federal charges;


    Related; A retired Chicago firefighter who was not at the capital but home with his family was mistaken for a guy who was part of the vandalism and break in, the mop went after him with a vengeance;


    Biden and his racist Justice Department will treat this like 9-11, expect dozens of people finding themselves on the business end of a political bayonet.

  3. gin blossom, I heard that too. Somebody overheard him talking on the phone saying he was not going to be charged. I guess his history caught up with him and embarrassed the cops.

  4. Lou Dobbs just played a vid the little douche bag made at the rally wearing a Trump hat and bragging what he was going to do.
    His lawyer is going to have a heavy lift! haha

  5. The FBI, like our military, is rotten and treasonous at the top.

    Quite a choice for FBI agents and US soldiers: will they turn their guns on us at the behest of our new ChiComm rulers?

  6. If I may suggest….

    Given the WELL DOCUMENTED crimes of ANTI-FA, BLM and Others.
    That ANYONE (Social Media Giants included) who assisted, funded or knowingly supported them be Impeached, removed from public office, criminally charged for the Riotous acts and with Sedition. If convicted that they have their Assets seized and redistributed to the those that suffered from their Criminal actions.

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