FBI arrests radical leftist plotting armed assault on Trump-supporters at Florida Capitol – IOTW Report

FBI arrests radical leftist plotting armed assault on Trump-supporters at Florida Capitol

NOQ report: Ahead of Joe Biden’s inauguration, Trump-supporters around the country plan on peacefully protesting at their state capitols. The FBI has issued warnings of armed incursions and other violence coming from these events, but thus far the only people pushing for violence have been radical leftists.

One such leftist, Daniel Baker of Tallahassee, was arrested by the FBI today for transmission, in interstate commerce, of a communication containing a threat to kidnap or to injure. Baker issued a call to arms for like-minded individuals to violently confront protestors gathered at the Florida Capitol this Sunday.

Baker, who participated in multiple Antifa and Black Lives Matter riots over the summer, is a former U.S. Army Airborne infrantryman who was kicked out of the service for going AWOL ahead of deployment to Iraq. Since then, he’s been promoting a radical progressive ideology rife with leftist racism and pure hatred for President Trump. read more

11 Comments on FBI arrests radical leftist plotting armed assault on Trump-supporters at Florida Capitol

  1. “Baker, who participated in multiple Antifa and Black Lives Matter riots over the summer …. ”

    And who was allowed to stay running free to plan and try to carry out more violent actions.

  2. More likely, the FBI had to stop one of the terrorists they were grooming for false flag because he went AWOL. Again.

    Like others above are saying, do not go join a crowd to get misrepresented and attacked. Just turn your back on the gloomy military occupation/inauguration in Stolengrad.

  3. Since conservatives will be sitting home with their best pain killing beverages, I wonder if there will be a fale flag (ff) dud or a ff spectacular? Maybe the alphabet agencies have some sort of building #7 series, controlled demolitions spectaculars planned?

  4. The fact that there is a nicely designed poster for this “armed gathering” at capital buildings around the country-should be a warning sign enough.

    The Left loves their propaganda posters. Stupid AntiFa has a poster for their daily/nightly protests. Obama had Shepherd Fairey.


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