FBI asks Hunter Biden’s ex-business associate Tony Bobulinski for interview – IOTW Report

FBI asks Hunter Biden’s ex-business associate Tony Bobulinski for interview


The FBI has asked Tony Bobulinski, a former associate of Hunter Biden’s, for an interview this morning.

Yesterday, Bobulinski appeared in front of cameras before the second presidential debate, where he confirmed Joe Biden’s involvement in a secret China deal for a $5 million forgivable loan.

A 2017 email from a top official with Chinese energy firm CEFC details the terms of an agreement in which the firm gave the $5 million non-secured, forgivable loan to the Bidens. This is according to a Breitbart interview with Bobulinski.

The New York Post reported on new statements from Bobulinski Thursday morning that confirmed that Joe Biden was referred to as “the big guy” in emails discussing payments, Bobulinski confirmed yesterday. more

18 Comments on FBI asks Hunter Biden’s ex-business associate Tony Bobulinski for interview

  1. Just a general question…Bobulinski served as a navy for four years. In a statement to the New York Post, he said; “I myself served in our country for 4 years and left the Navy as LT Bobulinski. I had a high security clearance and was an instructor and then CTO for Naval Nuclear Power Training Command. I am proud of the time my family and I served this country. . “

    How did this guy serve only 4 years in the Navy and then go on to making deals with China etc….?….Not your average LT. in the Navy resume….

  2. Trump should supply him with lawyer(s). Plus line up his sources inside the FBI in advance for a full report. Mr. President, you can’t trust the FBI as far as you can throw it across the Capital Mall.

  3. 1. Take a lawyer with you. NOT some hack from Perkins Coie. Give Sidney Powell a call. She’s dealt with these scumbags before.

    2. Make copies of EVERYTHING you give them & insure they and the left KNOW you have them. Put ‘um in a safe place your lawyer knows of.

    3. Hire the best security you can afford. Former SF or SEAL guys.

  4. Who woke the FBI up? They’ve had enough reason to investigate 4 1/2 years.
    No, I certainly wouldn’t trust the FBI, they lost their integrity years ago. Now they’re trying to cover their establishment backside.

  5. Tony, I’m speaking from experience. NEVER talk to the FBI without a lawyer, even if you know they’re investigating someone else and you’ve done nothing wrong. They are pieces of shit of the first order. In fact, I’ve changed my mind. DO NOT talk to them. There’s no upside for you.

  6. They’ll Pre-dawn him Sunday, charge him on bullshit, discredit him and keep him locked up until after the election. He gets freed if Trump wins, or Flynned if Biden wins.

  7. gin blossom October 23, 2020 at 4:52 pm

    That info is getting buried in the bowels of FBI headquarters for the next five years.

    Too many eyes have seen the laptop, pics, emails, etc. Some of it is being slowly let out, but for the most part I think that the FBI and the State of Delaware will have to deal with it because the public will demand it. I hope a grand jury gets put together and fast! The porn pics alone will put Humper into prison, and the fact that Joe knew about the sexual encounters with his granddaughter via Humper puts Biden in a shaky position as well. He knew about the diddling – and his exDIL as well. They prosecuted Epstein for his escapades with underage girls, why wouldn’t they do the same for Biden? I wanna know who offerecd the Chinese little girls to Humper? Guiliani says the images are horrific and downright porn. Either prison or a hole in the ground Humper.

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