FBI Caught A Man Allegedly Selling Military Secrets To China – IOTW Report

FBI Caught A Man Allegedly Selling Military Secrets To China

  • The FBI charged a former Army officer with spying and selling intelligence information to the Chinese
  • Over five years, the accused made trips to China that coincided with large deposits into his checking account
  • He tried numerous times to work as a spy for the FBI, all the while the FBI was investigating him for espionage.  MORE

8 Comments on FBI Caught A Man Allegedly Selling Military Secrets To China

  1. Must not have been officially sanctioned Treason – like hidden servers and passwords purchased through the Clinton Foundation and Huma Abedin.

    Or like Bradley Manning’s Treasons and his subsequent “pardon” by Obola.

    Dude needs to buy some friends real quick – maybe McConnell could still use a few “donations?”

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. “The FBI charged a former Army officer with spying and selling intelligence information to the Chinese”

    but bill and hillary did it too !

    oh, that’s not a legal defense ?

    well it should be in this case.


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