FBI Chief Says He Has Not Seen White House Interference In Russia Collusion Probe – IOTW Report

FBI Chief Says He Has Not Seen White House Interference In Russia Collusion Probe

FBI Chief Says He Has Not Seen White House Interference In Russia Collusion Probe

9 Comments on FBI Chief Says He Has Not Seen White House Interference In Russia Collusion Probe

  1. New Mr. FBI Guy. Please investigate and have tentative, maybe cowardly, Jeff Sessions start prosecuting all of the Obama Administration, Jame Comey, Robert Mueller, AND both Clintons for murder, and Hillary for treason regarding Benghazi. You Sir, have a target rich environment.

  2. It’s been so long since he was in the news I forgot about him. I sure hope to see some action out of the DOJ regarding the lawlessness from the previous administration. If they all walk I’ll be a mad son of a gun!

  3. I sure hope to see they have their sights on higher profile targets than that. Not that that isn’t a worthwhile case, but the entire DOJ should be setting records for pursuing high profile, political corruption, but it just doesn’t seem to be the case. There better be a bunch of shit going on behind the scenes that will be made public sooner rather than later.

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