FBI colluded with Democrats ahead of hearing with whistleblowers – IOTW Report

FBI colluded with Democrats ahead of hearing with whistleblowers

Sara Carter

Documents that Judicial Watch obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request show that an FBI official “colluded” with House Democrat staffers ahead of a hearing with FBI whistleblowers.

“These troubling records show how the FBI colluded with Democrats hostile to FBI whistleblowers who were set to testify to Congress,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton in a statement.

Judicial Watch sued the Department of Justice after it failed to respond to its original request for the documents. After the lawsuit, the documents were provided. The request was for “all records of communication between any official or employee of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and any member of the House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, any staff member for the subcommittee, or any staff member for any subcommittee member between April 1, 2023, and the present.” more

19 Comments on FBI colluded with Democrats ahead of hearing with whistleblowers

  1. My favorite retired Navy Seal says, we need to stop using the term “Deep State” and start replacing it with Shadow Government because that is reality. And the Shadow Government runs everything. And the Shadow Government is the CIA and the FBI. And they tell the politicians, including the President what to do and when to do it.

  2. “Civil War” is right up there with “Leave the World Behind”, not going to waste my time on the propaganda.
    Quote from Obuttma’s movie, “I’m asking you to remember that if the world falls apart, trust should not be doled out easily to anyone, especially white people.”
    Reverse racism?

  3. Sure they did. Terrorist group Judicial Watch takes government docs & re-writes them into propaganda. Spewing shit these days has become a way of life for dirtbags like them. Anything to save “our” convict is their goal.

  4. Determined to learn more and more about less and less until he’s learned everything there is to know about absolutely nothing at all.

    Anonymous is a certified Bonehead!

  5. Anonopuss has been challenged many times to explain why he thinks Pres. Trump is a Nazi Dictator. He never responded.

    Anonopuss is a hair sprouting wart on Hillary’s butt and has zero value.

  6. “Ignore anonymous trolls.”

    And I say bull shit. This is our turf and honestly what’s wrong with conservatives. They’d rather roll over and get fucked in the ass then fight back. And fighting back starts here.

  7. When CWII starts, we’ll be fighting against not only DildoCrats, illegals, and useful idiots, but also all the FedGov three-letter-agencies (FiBbIe, CIA, BATFEces, etc).
    FiBbIes best watch their backs, no one will want to be their friend……..

  8. The FBI are the DNC Stasi now. If they show up at your door, assume your life is about to be destroyed over some Stalinist bullshit and make sure you don’t go out alone. There will be no point in cooperating or expecting any of your rights to be protected just because you’ve been a law abiding citizen your entire fucking life. Just do your part to make sure no one wants the job of being the grunts for the political persecution machine.

  9. I think the word they’re looking for would be “conspire” not “collude.”
    Clearly a conspiracy to delude and deceive the Representatives of their Sovereign (We, the People of the United States).

    Should be punishable by death – hanging preferably.

    “A conspiracy is a secret agreement between two or more people to commit an illegal or harmful act. Collusion, on the other hand, is a secret agreement between two or more people to deceive or manipulate others for personal gain. Collusion does not necessarily involve illegal or harmful acts.”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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