FBI Covered Up Potential Violations of Law by Hillary Clinton – IOTW Report

FBI Covered Up Potential Violations of Law by Hillary Clinton

Judicial Watch:

As we watch the slow-motion coup against President Trump let’s not forget that at its heart is the Deep State’s desire to protect Hillary Clinton from the consequences of her illicit behavior.

Now we have more evidence of their cover-up. We just received 186 pages of records from the Department of Justice that include emails documenting an evident cover-up of a chart of potential violations of law by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

We obtained the records through a January 2018 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit we filed after the DOJ failed respond to a December 4, 2017 FOIA request (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:18-cv-00154)). Judicial Watch is seeking all communications between FBI official Peter Strzok and FBI attorney Lisa Page.

The new emails came in response to a May 21 order by U.S. District Judge Reggie B. Walton to the FBI to begin processing 13,000 pages of records exchanged exclusively between Strzok and Page between February 1, 2015, and December 2017. The FBI may not complete review and production of all the Strzok-Page communications until at least 2020.

  • Three days after then-FBI Director James Comey’s press conference announcing that he would not recommend the prosecution of Mrs. Clinton, a July 8, 2016, email chainshows that the Special Counsel to the FBI’s executive assistant director in charge of the National Security Branch, whose name is redacted, wrote to Strzok and others that he was producing a “chart of the statutory violations considered during the investigation [of Clinton’s server], and the reasons for the recommendation not to prosecute…”

[Redacted] writes: I am still working on an additional page for these TPs that consist of a chart of the statutory violations considered during the investigation, and the reasons for the recommendation not to prosecute, hopefully in non-lawyer friendly terms …

Strzok forwards to Page, Jonathan Moffa and others: I have redlined some points. Broadly, I have some concerns about asking some our [sic] senior field folks to get into the business of briefing this case, particularly when we have the D’s [Comey’s] statement as a kind of stand alone document. In my opinion, there’s too much nuance, detail, and potential for missteps. But I get they may likely be asked for comment.

[Redacted] writes to Strzok, Page and others: The DD [Andrew McCabe] will need to approve these before they are pushed out to anyone. At the end of last week, he wasn’t inclined to send them to anyone. But, it’s great to have them on the shelf in case they’re needed.

[Redacted] writes to Strzok and Page: I’m really not sure why they continued working on these [talking points]. In the morning, I’ll make sure Andy [McCabe] tells Mike [Kortan] to keep these in his pocket. I guess Andy just didn’t ever have a moment to turn these off with Mike like he said he would.

Page replies: Yes, agree that this is not a good idea.

Neither these talking points nor the chart of potential violations committed by Clinton and her associates has been released.  MORE

19 Comments on FBI Covered Up Potential Violations of Law by Hillary Clinton

  1. No way that this only wrongly elected once than appointed evil twat could do such a thing!
    Say it ain’t so!
    I might like drones more if they would really show some value by taken this hardly walking turd out.

  2. Remember back when you hated your federal government because they were incompetent and wasteful?
    Thanks to the Obama Administration, you can now add evil to the list of reasons for the hatred.
    And that’s a real shame because once the innocence is lost is can never be regained.
    That damned false messiah Obama ruined a LOT.

  3. FBI’s been corrupt since its inception.
    I assume that the rank-and-file agents were working in earnest but the Directors have always pursued political agendas, not always parallel with America’s agendas.
    Hoover was a corrupt POS who influenced politics and elections for what? Nearly forty years? He grew out of the same era as Himmler and Beria and Yezhov – who were considered necessary for the functioning of the “Modern State.”
    From tiny acorns grow mighty oaks.
    The disease, genetic in origin, doesn’t diminish with age.

    To expect the FBI to be OTHER than corrupt is the real surprise.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. The FBI + CIA have worked to hurt America for 17 years. If there were America lovers in either in ’01 the America haters have purged them! BotH should be abolished! All fired! NO REBUILD!

  5. “Sadly, the only time anyone will serve because of this will be five to ten days. Much of it while covered with an undeserved US flag in the Capitol Rotunda.”

    …don’t worry about Songbird, @TN Tuxedo. He’s serving time, all right. Eternal time. And the Lord would NOT have been impressed by his daddy being an admiral, so he was likely shipped down to be with his ADOPTED father, who is a touch abusive to his children once they’ve served his purposes…


  6. FBI, DOE, DEA, BATFE, BLM, etc, etc.
    Eliminate these bloated, unconstitutional, corrupt federal agencies. There are similar state level entities which can function quite well and think of ALL the tax money we would save.

  7. I wait and wait and wait for some government law enforcement department to get a visit from Trump who screws protocol and kicks in their door and tells them to get off their asses and run a real investigation on Clinton and the circle of corruption around her. Fuck recusing, fuck priviledge and fuck the press. When the truth starts to flow out, first a trickle then a torrent the Clinton’s and their sycophants will be fleeing this country in droves and peoples eyes will be open for the first time in years.

  8. from the consequences of her illicit behavior

    You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

    (When the “rules” are subject to change without notice… even after the cards have been shown… them’s the “rules”… there are no rules.)

  9. @Mr. Anth Ropy February 17, 2019 at 5:54 am

    > And that’s a real shame because once the innocence is lost is can never be regained.

    No. The shame is that the truth (as opposed to The Truth™) will still not set you, yourself, free.

  10. @Tim February 17, 2019 at 6:50 am

    > I assume that the rank-and-file agents were working in earnest but the Directors have always pursued political agendas, not always parallel with America’s agendas.

    Why would the nomenklatura hire apparatchiks whose sole motivation was to undermine them? To waft up the ranks to replace them? To determine their retirement bennies when they were “gone”? Who would let such madmen decide anything? In the first place?

  11. @TN Tuxedo February 17, 2019 at 7:23 am

    “Much of it while covered with an undeserved US flag in the Capitol Rotunda.”

    Much of it while covered with a now deserved US flag in the Capitol Rotunda.

  12. @Bayouwulf February 17, 2019 at 8:41 am

    > There are similar state level entities which can function quite well and think of ALL the tax money we would save.

    Put down that tattered, old flag. And get outta that swamp. That insurrection’s over. You lost. There is ONE government. The Columbian government. Yes, geezer, it really is in The Constitution, now.

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